Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Celeriac

Sides Pepper Horseradish Salt ...

Clean the vegetables. Slice the leek and carrot into thin slices, slice the onion and celery into small cubes. Cut the potatoes in 2-3 mm. thick slices. The vegetables are added in a ovnfastfad. Other vegetables than those mentioned may be used, red/gre

Salads Sour cream 18% Whipped cream Celeriac ...

Peel peeled and cut into small tærn as blanched 1-2 minutes and cooled by. Whip the cream lightly and mix it with crème fraîche. Season to taste with sugar. Halve the grapes and remove stone. Apples skræles and cut into small cubes. Remember to remove th

Mains Flat-leaf parsley Olive oil Pepper ...

Fasanerne be wrapped in thin slices of smoked lard (so it does not become dry). Use like skewers or wet toothpicks. They Brown on all sides in a pan with a little butter. Take them up and fry the sliced root vegetables in the same fat. Put fasanerne in a greas

Mains Pepper Salt White wine ...

Bank pheasant fillets flat with a clenched hand. Chop the olives and garlic and mix detmed herbs. Season the meat with salt & pepper and favor the filling on the meat and roll it along. Fix your with kødnåle or ombind rollers with cotton yarn. You can obta

Soups The white of 2 leeks Celeriac Whipped cream ...

Start with cleaning the vegetables and cut them into smaller piece. Sauté them in a pan in butter. Add spices and tomato puree. Drag it from the heat. The live lobsters, and the cutting of clubs and body. FRY in hot oil until they start to change color, where

Mains Celeriac Spring onions Wheat flour ...

The vegetables cut into very thin strips and steamed in water for about 1 minute, and then taken out of the water. The cod cut into serving pieces and seasoned with salt and pepper. Cod fish steamed in grøntsagsvandet for about 5 minutes and then be taken u

Mains Bouillon cube Onion Salt ...

Peel celery and cut into approximately 1 cm. large cubes and boil them in salted water for about 10 minutes. The water should just barely simmer-not bulder Cook. Take the cooked celery dice up with a slotted spoon. Father: Stir the minced pork and veal cool

Mains Corn flour cornstarch Pepper Salt ...

Brown the bacon in a pan without fat Add the chopped onion, and fry them without Brown too much Brown the meat lightly with onion and Bacon Add the paprika, tomato puree and water, and cook about 15 minutes with lid Add the peeled tomatoes, garlic