Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Celeriac

Mains Pepper Salt Sugar ...

Turn on the oven at 170 degrees c. alm. oven. RIDs the skin of the duck breast and rub it with salt. It came on a cold frying pan and fry the chest over a low heat until it is golden and crunchy. Got the duck breast in the oven for about 30 minutes. Let it

Mains Parsley, fresh Milk Eggs ...

Peel Peel, halve it and cut it into 1 cm. thick slices as boil in lightly salted water about 10 mins. Let them drip well and place them in a greased, ovenproof dish. Stir meat, chopped onion and egg together. Add the milk a little at a time. Stir in salt an

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

The potatoes are put over to boil. Form the meat into 2 patties. Heat the oil and fry the steaks well browned on both sides, approximately 2-3 minutes on both sides. Season them with salt and pepper. Take the steaks from the Pan and stir the flour into t

Mains Pepper Salt Red wine vinegar ...

Doves: Doves are seasoned with salt and pepper and then pulls in a small half an hour. Brown them in a pan with a little butter or oil. When they are golden on all sides, be they in a heat-proof dish and place in oven at 180 degrees for 10-12 minutes. Take the

Mains Oregano, dried Pepper Salt ...

Pasta screws boil in salted water. Brown beef in a little oil, then add salt, pepper, oregano, garlic and the chopped tomatoes. Leeks, celery and onions cut into appropriate pieces and sauté in a pan with a little oil. A baking dish greased with a lit

Sides Parsley, fresh Garlic Onion ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven. Butter a baking dish with high edge with a bit of butter. Favor vegetables into cubes and minced garlic in the dish, pour the broth by and benefit the rest of the butter over. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, put

Mains Freshly grated nutmeg Olive oil Parmesan cheese ...

Cut the meat into very small cubes. Rinse the spinach well, remove coarse stems and steam it in the water hanging by. Pressure al væden from the spinach and chop it finely. Peel the carrot, celery and onion arrow. Chop it all very finely and FRY in a little

Mains Herb mix Olive oil Pepper ...

Skinned Dogfish: cut into chops at ca. 2-3 cm. make a layer of oil, salt, pepper and, if desired. little herbs. Turn the koteletterne in the oil and let them soak for 20 min. Koletterne Brown in a frying pan for about 1-2 my, and bake finished in approx. 6