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Recipes with Apples

Cold cuts Salt Sugar Apples ...

Cut the spoon into the tern and sprinkle it crisply (lightest in the oven at 210 degrees). The apples are peeled and cut into thin boats. Boil for mash at low heat with 2 tablespoons of water. Taste the saucepan with sugar as needed. Add 1/2 dl of fat from the

Cakes in form Chopped almonds Pearl sugar Ginger, crushed ...

Marrow and sugar stir fry Here 1 egg spilled 1 egg. Wheat flour, baking soda, cinnamon and ginger mixed together and stirred in. Half of the dough comes in a spring form, then 3-4 apples in both, and finally the rest of the dough. Sprinkle with chopped a

Mains Coarse mustard Beef Tenderloin into 6 patties, 3-4 cm thick Pepper ...

Freeze the tenderloin and cut into the steaks. Or buy them done. Peel the apples and cut them in both. The steaks are roasted in a sourte pan. The calva is poured over and ignited (hold your head away from the hood and your head). Pour the whipped cream and

Salads Lemon Salt Avocados ...

Chop salad fine. Cut sugersnaps in half or in smaller pieces. The peppers are cut and cut into thin strips (max 5 cm) Half grapes, possibly distant stones. Put on a creamy garlic and mix with parsley and oil Open the lawyer, remove the stone and remove th

Desserts (cold) Grapes Super flyer Apples ...

Rinse the fruits. Peel the kiwis and cut the fruit and chocolate into small pieces. Put it all in a large bowl. Add a fine-cut super flyer. Then it's ready to be eaten ... Go appetit :)

Mains Mango chutney-strong Pepper Rice (2-4 persons) ...

Short letter Brown on forehead (possibly by scratches fat edge so that they do not ' curls ')-seasoned with salt and pepper. 1 ds. Sweet & Sour sauce is poured into the Pan and add 2 dl. water. Sauce is warmed through. Short letter put in a ildfastfad on

Desserts (patisserie) Potato flour Vanilla sugar Icing sugar ...

Egg whites and sugar whipped stiff, chopped almonds and potato flour, invert in. Prepare 2 trays, which can be elongated or round, as bake on baking paper in the middle of the oven, at 160 * in 30-40 my. Before Ajay summed, must bunderne just cool. Filling:

Drinks (cold) Great rababerstilk Yogurt (Greek or naturel) Apples ...

Cut the apples into smaller cubes. Disc the rababer style. Blend the rest of the ingredients together with the apples and rababis, with breaks for about 5 minutes. Taste with flourishes.