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Recipes with Apples

Cakes Optional: grated or sliced raw marzipan Apples Chopped hazelnuts ...

Rabarber cut into strips The apples are cut into small pieces -farin, rhubarb, coconut flour and apples are stirred together and placed in a dish above 175 degrees for 10 minutes. Hazelnuts chopped, marcipan peeled or sliced ​​and put on top of the half-bak

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon Salt Vaniliestang ...

Remove the kernels and cut the apples into smaller pieces. Put them at the bottom of a greased oven dish. Mix flour with sugar, salt and vanilla. Heat the milk, whip eggs and rum together and put in the flour mixture and then stir in the milk. Pour the dough

Cakes Baking soda Almonds Eggs ...

The apples are peeled and the core house is peeled out. Divide the apple into four boats and put two in each shape so you have half a apple. The sleeve info should be as big as possible, and preferably too high. Mix the last ingredients together into a thic

Cakes Cinnamon Wheat flour Magarine ...

Peel the apples and remove the core house. Cut them into thin boats .. Fill them in a greased (m / magarine refractory dish. Pour cinnamon over, take care too much as it will not taste good. Magarine, flour and sugar blend together with your hands until it i

Drinks (cold) Ice cubes Apples Milk ...

Cut the bananas into pieces and put them in the blender. The apples are peeled and cut into pieces. Put them in the blender with milk. Blend it Add vanilla sugar and sugar. Blend. Add ice cubes. Blend again and it's done.

Cakes in form Baking soda Sugar Wheat flour ...

Peel apples, remove apples and divide them into about 12 apples per apple. Distribute the apples into a pie shape. Sprinkle some sugar and cinnamon in addition to the apples. Mix sugar, flour, baking soda and butter. Must be squeezed together in the hands unt

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon mixed with sugar Eggs Lemon juice ...

Pancakes: Stir flour and milk together and then salt and egg. Add melted grease. Stir them in fat and a sprinkle of cinnamon. ----------------------------------- Apples: Cut the apples into cubes and place them on a porcelain plate. Stir cinnamon sugar over

Desserts (cold) Vanilla sugar according to taste Stenfri grapes Marabou light chocolate ...

The cream is whipped well and the cremefraichen is turned gently, the cream is flavored with vanilla sugar, but it should not be too sweet because the fruits give a lot of sweetness. Apples and pears are peeled and the fruits are cut into small pieces and turn