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Desserts (warm) recipes

Desserts (warm) Oil Butter for pan Jams ...

Mix all the ingredients together, melt the butter on the hot pan and decorate them with what the imagination brings. Enjoy! (:

Desserts (warm) Whipped cream Oil Butter for pan ...

Mix all the ingredients together, melt the butter on the hot pan and decorate them. Enjoy! (:

Desserts (warm) Oil Butter for pan Sugar ...

Mix all the ingredients together, melt the butter on the hot pan and decorate them. Enjoy! (:

Desserts (warm) Pinch salt Butter for pan Cold dish ...

Mix it all together in a bowl, remember to whip the banana lumps out! Put the butter on the hot pan, let it melt and peel! (Add a little extra water if it is too thick) Enjoy! (:

Desserts (warm) Oil Pålægschokolade for garnish Butter for pan ...

Mix all the ingredients together, put the dough on the forehead with butter. Roll the pancake together and put the plum chocolate in or up. Decorate it to make it really delicious Enjoy! (:

Desserts (warm) The hollow vanilla rod Juice from lemon Cognac ...

Melt the sugar golden brown on a pan. Add the orange and lemon peel, ginger and almonds. Add butter and let it melt. Pour lemon and orange juice by simmering for a few minutes. Fold the pancakes into quarters, put them in the sauce and warm them through (pour

Desserts (warm) Creme fraise Whipped cream (my farvorit) Yoghurt with vanilla ...

Take a small oven-proof dish. Put the baking paper in the dish. Blame and peel the apple. Slice out the core house and put the apples in the dish. Fill: Chop the almonds and place them in a bowl. Bring dough, cinnamon and water into the bowl and mix. Distri

Desserts (warm) Nutmeg Cinnamon Carnations ...

Mix it together Strip the bananas so that they can lie down Put a layer of filling on each lane and put them in the pot for half an hour. Do you have a small piece of apple tree you throw it on the hills Eat with vanilla ice cream and anything else as de