Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Mains Fedtnet to unpack duebrysterne in Freshly ground white pepper Fresh Marjoram ell. other wildflowers ...

Cut the breasts off the pigeons and remove the skin. Stir the dad with the chopped chopped mork and fried apple. Put the breasts together two and two with a spooky father in between. Grab the breasts into a little abundant fat net. Put in a saucepan until they

Mains EVS. corn flour Pepper Salt ...

Divide the doves into thighs and breast pieces. Brown the pieces in a little butter in a saucepan. Cut the mustard onion and quarry and let them brush a little. Come on sage and then the white wine. Let the white wine boil for approx. The half. Come to the wat

Mains Chervil Thyme White wine ...

Duebryster and thigh bone bones. Pasta and fore gras are chopped well and put on the meat side of the duo breasts and packed with grease. Brown on a pan and finish the oven in the oven approx. 5 minutes at 180 degrees. Dueskroget brown with vegetables and a

Mains EVS. corn flour Pepper Salt ...

Divide the doves into thighs and breast pieces. Brown the pieces in a little butter in a saucepan. Cut the shallots in quarters, add them and let them roast a little. Come on sage and then the white wine. Let the white wine boil for approx. The half. Come to t

Mains Good bread Pepper Salt ...

Enables the pigeons and rub them with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Divide the salvie into the pigeons and tie them with a spoon. Melt the butter in a pan and brown the pans on all sides. Pour 1/2 white wine and 1/2 dl broth by laying on and let the doughs fry

Mains Possibly more oil Pepper Salt ...

Thoroughly brown the pies in butter and oil in a large saute pan, so all sides are light brown. Sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes. Cut the cabbage head into small square pieces. Peel the carrots and cut them in

Mains Flutes Corn flour Oregano ...

250 g. Tortellini Fromaggio ("with cheese") is boiled according to the instructions in plenty of water and allowed to drain into a dirt layer without sand. 300 grams of beef tenderloin cut into small luncheons - less than you expect and roasted brightly for ap

Mains Flutes Corn flour Oregano ...

250 g. Tortellini Fromaggio ("with cheese") is boiled according to the instructions in plenty of water and allowed to drain into a dirt layer without sand. 300 g of beef tenderloin cut into small luncheons - less than you expect and roasted brightly for app