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Recipes with White wine

Mains Dijon mustard Wholemeal bread Celery ...

Divide the cabbage into four pieces and cut it across into fine strips, blanch it in boiling water, drain the water, let the cabbage drip into a sieve. Melt sugar in a large pot and let it caramelize, add the butter and put the cabbage into the pan and turn

Mains Indkogt boiling brine from lårtungen Peper Juice of one lemon ...

Brown the tuna tin in a pan of oil until it is nice golden and then pour the white wine. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and allow the meat to simmer under the lid for approx. 35 min while turning diligently. If the wine is evaporating, pour some water on it. Ta

Mains Parsley, fresh Lemon, thereof Peeled tomatoes ...

Cut the shanks into the leg all the way around. Arrow the bulbs and cut them into the tern. Peel the carrots and cut them into slices. Cut the leaf celery into slices. Heat oil and butter in a large pot and brown pieces of meat. Pick them up Season the vege

Soups Pepper Salt Chopped, fresh cilantro ...

Cut celery and ginger into thin slices. Mix it with coconut milk, wine, brothel, coriander, garlic, salt and pepper. Cook it under the lid for approx. 15 minutes. Say the fluid and save it. Cut leeks, onion and carrot into slices. Chop them in oil. Pour coc

Mains A little grated nutmeg Olive oil Pepper ...

The chopped meat is baked in a pan with half the butter and the chopped onion - stirring almost all the time. After a few minutes pour the white wine together with the mashed tomatoes (or 1 tablespoon tomato paste poured into a cup of water). Salt, pepper and

Sauces White wine Butter Shallots, chopped ...

Put the shallots in a bowl of white wine, salt and pepper. Place the dish in the oven for 3 minutes at 100% without lid and say the onions. Add butter into small pieces and boil for 30 seconds at 100%. Whip the sauce. The white wine can be replaced with

Sides Lemon juice Garlic, crushed Coriander seeds ...

Pour lemon juice, oil, tomato sauce, wine, coriander seed, soup and garlic into a glass bowl and place it in the oven for 2-3 minutes at 100%. Stir well. Add whole mushrooms, salt and pepper, put on low boil and cook for 11 minutes at 100%. Remove the herbs

Mains Pepper Salt Shallots, minced ...

Bring carrots, mustots, butter and water in a large serving dish. Put on the lid and put it in the oven for 8 minutes at 100%. Place the plaice fillets on top of the carrots and add salt and pepper. Put back on and put the fish in the oven for 2 minutes on