Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Mains Pepper Salt Cloud from the fish ...

Clean and scrub and dry the sea urchin. Sprinkle it with salt inside and out. Lubricate an ovenproof dish of appropriate size. Put the porridge in the bottom of the dish. Lay the trout on top and cover with lemon slices. Pour water and white wine at. Cover the

Mains Fresh mint Pepper Salt ...

Strudsekødet is combined into a roller coaster with the fresh mint in the middle. Warm olive oil in a frying pan and brown oak stew on all sides with high heat. Add white wine, turn down and simmer for approx. 30-40 minutes. Take it up and let it rest covered.

Mains A little lemon juice Little sprinkle curry powder Pepper ...

In a flat-bottomed pot, chopped onions are sautéed in butter. They must not turn brown. Add mushroom and lemon juice. Stir well. Sprinkle with peppers, curry, salt and pepper. Let it simmer for 5 minutes. On a frying pan, the ostrich smoked in butter. Sprinkle

Mains EVS. 1-2 tbsp. orange liqueur A little cornstarch Margarine for Browning ...

Peel the orange and lemon and remove the white skin on the inside of the skull. Cut the skull into super thin and long strips and give them a boil in water. Fill with cold water and drizzle in sieve. Dip the meat dry with a kitchen roll and brown it on both si

Mains Lemon juice Fresh thyme Ganache ...

The meat: Order chicken lumps in the butcher a few days in advance. Dip the jaws of lumps dry with kitchen rolls. Heat oil and butter in a saucepan that can withstand the oven. Brown the jaws until they are light brown. Pick them up on a plate. Carrot, parsley

Mains Jerusalem artichokes Pepper Parsley ...

The meat: Order the piglets at the butcher a few days in advance. Rinse the pork nuts and put them in a saucepan. Add white wine and water to cover the meat. Bring the liquid to boil and foam. Add carrot, onions and chives cut into suitable pieces as well a

Mains Vegetables called Potatoes Pepper ...

Bacon is laid on a breadboard side by side as long as the fish. The fish are thoroughly cleaned and filed, the remaining bones are peeled out, one fillet is placed on the bacon and vegetables and lobster peels are filled upstairs, then the other fillet is laid

Mains Onion, chopped Chicken broth White wine ...

Heat the oil in a large pot. Brown the chicken pieces 3-4 minutes until they are golden on all sides. Take them out of the grydem and let them drip onto greasy paper. Bring onions and peppers into the pan and turn the onions into color and soft. Add tomatoes,