Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Mains Minced parsley Small Leek sliced Tomato puree ...

Got fat and meat in a bowl and cook for 1 ½ minutes on the highest power. Pipe about 2 times during cooking. Add the chili powder and tomato paste and cook 30 seconds. at the highest power. Add the flour, chopped peeled tomatoes, broth and mushrooms. Stir w

Mains Pepper Salt Leek ...

Trim if necessary. membranes and tendons from the flesh. Dry it off with paper towel and cut it in not too small cubes (4 x 4 cm). Sprinkle the meat with flour and mix it with salt and pepper. Cut the smoked bacon into small cubes. Fry the bacon dice in its ow

Mains Lemon juice Wheat flour Meljævning ...

Battle it out cut into cubes and roasted light brown in butter/oil. Take them up and put them in the baking dish. Sprinkle a little flour over the kødterningerne and brown them in the fat and put them in the dish. Sprinkle with salt & pepper. Cut oni

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Form eight thin steaks of chopping the meat. Put slices of cheese over half and cover with the other/beefburgers. Close the steaks well in pages, vikel a slice of bacon around them in the Pan and FRY as usual. Sauce: Flour sprinkled on the forehead and then

Mains Pepper Salt Soy sauce ...

Average white cabbage and Brown in butter in a large frying pan. Add salt and pepper and turn off the pan. So touching you forcemeat, along with flour, broth, onion, eggs, salt, pepper and soy sauce. Half of the cabbage in a greased ovenproof dish, before dist

Mains A few drops of lemon juice Salt Black pepper from the grinder ...

Cook only 1 liter of water with the peppercorns, allspice, juniper berries, thyme and ½ teaspoon salt. Then rinse the meat in cold water, and put it down to simmer in saucepan, covered, in 50 minutes. Take the meat out of the water, and cut it into 3 cm

Mains Pepper from the grinder Salt Small pickled cucumbers ...

You start to drip fish fillets on both sides with 1 tsp lemon juice and leave them uncovered for 10 minutes. For the sauce you pour yogurt into a bowl. Cornichons or gherkins cut into very small pieces, chop and cfire be washed, dried and chopped fine. Clips b

Mains Corn starch Pepper Salt ...

You touch first the meat to a father with eggs, flour, milk, salt and pepper. As you peel the potatoes and carrots and cut them into slices. Slice the onion and bell pepper into strips, too, and came the vegetables in a pan with broth in. then the Court Let si