Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Cakes Vinegar Baking powder Ginger, crushed ...

Melt the butter and brown sugar syrup in a pan over low heat. Stir in the spices and let the mixture cool to lukewarm. Pipe deer antler salt eggs and most of flour in-pipe the dough smooth and uniform. Knead the flour into the dough is smooth and glossy-. P

Cookies Eggs Grated raw marzipan Soft butter ...

Stir all of the ingredients for the dough to form Walnut-sized balls together-put on a baking sheet lined with wax paper. Press an almond in each cake and sneaked behind those golden at 200 degrees-10-12 min. Tips: Please help the kids with the oven.

Cookies Jam Icing sugar Butter ...

Here's how: Crumble the butter into the flour and icing sugar and collect the dough with water. Roll into small balls and put them on a plate lined with wax paper. Press now a recess with a finger and fill the Marmalade into the hole. Behind the pasties in the

Sides White pepper A little grated nutmeg Salt ...

Cut the cabbage into quarters lengthwise and remove the stick part the so in smaller piece and boil them in salted water for 5 minutes and drain in a sieve let the cabbage. Melt the butter and stir it together with the flour. An infant with cream and possib

Cakes in form Icing sugar Cocoa Water ...

Warm the honey and sugar in a saucepan, stirring until the sugar is melted. Refrigerate the mixture until it is lukewarm. Beat the eggs lightly together and stir them in, as well as ginger, cinnamon, orange peel, whipping cream and ymer. Mix flour with antl

Cookies Lemon grated must thereof, and/or a little ground cardamom Cognac (can be dispensed with) Margarine ...

Margarine and break into pieces in the flour. Sugar and lemon rind mixed into the Dough with the egg and cream come together.. The dough is made of cold a few hours. Be deployed, providing to the Angel wings. Klejnerne cooked Golden in hot coconut oil, plac

Cakes Salt Oil Water ...

First you need to mix water, oil, salt, and then bring it to a boil: Then whips you around 6 dl wheat flour in the dough to have consistent stirring to a bun syringe. Now are you doing so they prettiest strips of dough-length you decide, but I usually cut them

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Butter Yeast ...

Raise time 1-1 ½ hours. Prepare a smooth batter of flour, yeast, salt and 2 ½ dl milk. The dough should only just kneaded through, then add the rest of the milk while stirring. The dough obscured and must then raise a good hour or so. Heat a blinnis-pane