Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Desserts (patisserie) Baking soda Wheat flour Sugar ...

Whisk eggs and sugar together into a fluffy mass. Wheat flour and baking powder is stirred into the dough to a uniform mass (term bagepulveret in wheat flour). The dough is divided into 3 equal portions, lubricated into buttered pie molds or on 3 pieces

Cakes in form Grated lemon rind Spice baking soda Grapefruit or orange juice ...

The butter softened and whipped with the sugar, the eggs and then stir in the other ingredients in the mix. It follows that the Dough in a greased sandkage. form. Bake at 200 g. in ca. 1 tm. Be wrapped in staniol and is saved for the next day.

Cakes in form Jams so it fits with a thin layer Out all over the place Baking soda ...

dough: Butter is stirred well with sugar. Stir in the egg yolks one at a time. Mix flour and baking powder together And stirred in alternately with the milk. Make the dough in a greased baking pan Pre-baked ca. 15 minutes at 220 degrees (C). When the

Cakes Raspberry jam or other jam after taste Vanilla sugar Baking soda ...

The cake can be made in good time, since it must be frozen off before serving! Whisk eggs, sugar and vanilliesukker in 8 minutes. Stir in flour and baking powder together, and turn it into sugar. Advantage in two greased spring molds/pie bottoms. Sprinkl

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sunflower oil Buttermilk ...

Be complied with in the form in the order listed. Bake on program 1 of size 1 kg bread with medium crust

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sunflower oil Sugar ...

Came the oil of røreakslen and set the shaft on. The rest came in the form of that order. Bake on program 1 size 1 kg bread with medium crust. The bread will be best with a delay of at least an hour. Tips: It must be completely up-to-call, can you swabs t

Bread, buns & biscuits Sugar Sunflower oil Salt ...

Be complied with in the form in the order listed. Bake on program 1 with bread size 1 kg and light crust

Bread, buns & biscuits Sugar Sunflower oil Salt ...

Granted in the form of the aforementioned order. Bake on program 1 with bread size 1 kg and light crust.