Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Mains Freshly grated nutmeg Olive oil Parmesan cheese ...

Cut the meat into very small cubes. Rinse the spinach well, remove coarse stems and steam it in the water hanging by. Pressure al væden from the spinach and chop it finely. Peel the carrot, celery and onion arrow. Chop it all very finely and FRY in a little

Soups Pepper Salt Coffee cream 13% ...

Arrow white onions and Blanch them for 1 minute, let them drain away, arrow them. Let the mushrooms simmer in the butter for 5 minutes, take them and style to the page. Got the garlic into the butter and mushrooms the juice and let them simmer under a lid for

Soups 3. spice aftertaste Pepper Reef pizzaost ...

Onion, chicken and mushroom Brown in the butter. Water and bouillon cubes are met by. The cream is stirred up with the flour and place in. Boils up and season. Puff pastry rolled out and cut into pieces at ca. 20 x 20 cm. The soup is poured into a suppek

Soups Pepper Salt Small cup Crème Fraiche 38% ...

Cut the bacon into thin slices across and grate them Brown and crispy on the forehead. Put them to drain on a paper towel. Hot bacon fat and butter on the Pan and let the mushrooms Saute, for all væden has evaporated. Pour the mushrooms in a saucepan, add t

Soups Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Put morklerne to soak in plenty of cold water 2 hours. Boxes the water. Add new morklerne in water and boil 5 minutes-boxes water-repeat boiling in clean water in extreme 5 minutes. Dry morklerne gently and chop them roughly. Sauté them some minutes in 1 tb

Soups Whipped cream Water Lemon ...

The yellow zest grated and given a rehash with water and sugar. In another saucepan melt the butter, stir in the flour and lemon water whipped in a little at a time. The soup, add juice from 2 lemons and cream and boil thoroughly. Serving: serve warm

Soups Meatballs. frozen Pepper. White Asparagus Harvester. canning ...

Pour over asparagus snitterne for draining. Melt the butter, the flour came in and behind it, along with asparagus water. Then add the chicken broth. Let the soup Cook through 5 min. Pour whipping cream in soup and warm up to the boiling point. Season wi

Soups Freshly ground white pepper Salt Mustard powder ...

Onion and garlic peeled, chopped fine and twirls clear in 10 g butter. Add flour, Brown lightly, and the broth is poured by a bit at a time. Rinse the cucumber, 4 thin slices cut from the for garnish. The rest of the cucumber peeled off, splitting lengthwise,