Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Mains 1 clove pressed garlic A little pressed garlic Oil for frying ...

Knead the meat with flour, salt and eggs Came in to the sour cream consistency is firm but coherent. Turn the chopped herbs in. Let forcemeat rest 1/2 hour. Form Walnut-sized balls with wet hands and turn them into flour and thyme. Only those who can be on the

Cakes in form Icing sugar Cocoa Whole milk ...

Whip eggs and sugar white and frothy. Mix the flour and baking powder and vanilla sugar and mix it together in æggesnapsen. Melt the margarine and mix it into the milk. Came boiling water and cocoa and mix it all together. Pour batter into a greased bak

Cakes in form Salt Cinnamon Crushed corn flakes ...

Put the Apple pieces in a well greased baking Tin. Mix half of the sugar with cinnamon and sprinkle it over the apples. Mix the flour, salt and the rest of the sugar and then the crushed corn flakes came in. stir the butter into the mixture to get a grainy app

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Dough: mix the flour and fat and Quark and all that well put dough into køleskabbet approximately one hour. Put about half the butter in a pot when the butter is melted put the washed spinach in and fade the heat and let it stand for about 10 minutes. Cu

Cookies Jam (Strawberry or Raspberry) Butter Wheat flour ...

Butter break into pieces with flour. Eggs and sugar is added and the dough is kneaded smooth with your hands. Portion dough into 4 equal portions and roll each portion into a sausage. Share each sausage in 10 small pieces. (a total of 40 PCs.) So must be rolle

Mains A large handful of grated cheese such as parmesan A little bouillon powder Nutmeg ...

The fresh spinach, washed thoroughly in several teams clean water and afdryppes. The coarsest stems removed. Put the spinach leaves in a saucepan with the water, hanging by, and warm the Pan up to the water boils in the bottom. Turn the spinach with two ladle,

Soups Flutes Pepper Salt ...

Arrow and chop the onion. Rinse peberfrugten, ridding it of frøstol and seeds and cut it into cubes. Rinse pale celery and cut into narrow pieces across. Peel the carrots and cut them into cubes. Heat the oil in a thick-bottomed pan. Stir in the flour and s

Soups Suit Paprika Soup may ...

Chop onions and FRY in margarine. Add the flour and soup have to thin water down this season with spices, stained, if desired. with colour and serve with fish balls or crunchy roasted bacon cubes, sprinkled in the soup just before serving. If fish soup is not