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Recipes with Water

Cakes A little salt Ground cinnamon Apples ...

The flour with the butter and stir then crushing it with salt, eggs and water to form a smooth dough that is kneaded to the allow themselves to stretch out. Be covered in a warm place 1/2 hour. Wax paper placed on a table and sprinkled with a little flour.

Dressing Freshly squeezed lemon juice Water Fresh coriander ...

Blend! Sticks in the 2-3 days in a refrigerator. Tips: Variations: use another fresh herb instead of coriander Omit garlic Add the freshly ground pepper

Sides Freshly ground pepper Chopped green olives Potato water ...

Bring water to boil in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Add the potatoes and cook them on low heat and Cook, covered, for about 20 mins. take 3 dl of boiling water from the potatoes and pour the rest of the water from the potatoes. Steam them dry. Mash the potato

Mains Cotton yarn EVS. light sauce thickens Freshly ground pepper ...

Pick the parsley in small twigs, rinse and dry them well. Put the Turkey Breast in the "smooth" side and cut a pocket in the thick part of the meat. Fill your pocket with parsley sprigs and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Volume cotton yarn about Turkey Breast

Sides Dried Basil (or 2 fresh leaves) Dried Dill (or a little fresh sprig) Water ...

Blend all ingredients until it is creamy. It makes 2 cups. If you're doing dressing use ½-1 cup of water extra.

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Mustard grains soaked ½ hour in cold water. Broccolien is divided into small florets, the stick can be cut into cubes. Squashen cut into six slices. Broccoli stick Sauté in butter. Fry the meat with. Broccoli tops, squash, broth, cream cheese, wine vineg

Mains Pepper Mornay sauce Salt ...

The pasta is cooked according to instructions on the package. Leek cut into rings. Broccolien shared in bouquets, the stick cut into cubes. Sauté the meat in oil. Sauté with Leek. Water, broccoli, Rosemary, salt and pepper are added. Spin together about

Mains Broccoli EVS. 1 clove of garlic Curry ...

Blot dry, seasoned meat on both sides with pepper and Curry and Brown then in the butter for 1 minute on each side by good heat. Turn down to medium heat and fry them 4-5 minutes on each side. Koteletterne seasoned with salt and keep warm, if possible. on a