Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Lunch Friskpressetr juice of one lime Salt Chilimed kernels, very finely chopped ...

Fill: Came up rice noodles in a large bowl and pour in plenty of boiling water over it. Wait about 5 minutes until they are soft. Guilt noodles in cold water, and cut them into 5 cm pieces. Cut the root of shii-take mushrooms and chop them roughly. Mix all the

Sides Fresh shii-take (4 persons) Sake or dry sherry Soy sauce ...

Shii-take dip: the ingredients are mixed and the mixture tasted with ginger and garlic Mushrooms grilled at medium heat with the underside of the mushroom turned upwards. Keep the stick on the fungus. It is good to keep in when the fungus is to be served. S

Lunch A little sugar Pepper Salt ...

Honey, Orange and lemon juice, fintsnittet garlic and water mix and cooked thoroughly. The mushrooms toasting for themselves with salt, pepper and a sprinkle of sugar. Mix the mushrooms up in honey lagen and server for a piece of toast or fried meat.

Lunch Tarragon A little oil Pepper ...

White onions peeled and put over to boil until they are well tender. Mash them well with a fork, and stir them up in oil, tarragon, salt, pepper, lemon juice and parsley. Season the mushrooms with salt and pepper and turn them on a map through the hot pan in a

Mains Coarse salt White pepper Buy any. the meat done blown up or salt it yourself ...

Salting of meat: come flesh in a bowl that fits to the size of the meat. Objectives the brine out, so the meat can be covered by sheeting. Boil brine and refrigerate the meat completely before granted. Style it cold the next day. Take the meat out of the br

Mains Pepper Salt Vinegar ...

The meat is cut into large tærninger. Sample tampering. The oil heats, the meat is Brown on all sides. Salt and pepper, Bay leaves, onion, Rosemary, tomatoes in both, water and wine are added. Set over low heat and boil about 2 hours. Who is stirred occasio

Mains Coarse salt Minced parsley Aromatic bouquet ...

Turn the oksebryst pieces in flour, brown them in oil and put it in a small baking pan. Sprinkle salt and pepper over. Cut the carrots into coins and the onions into cubes and fry it in oil. Pour white wine and broth by. Mix the crushed garlic, salt and pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Basil, dried ...

The sausages sliced and diced the bacon, shallots rives. It is kneaded together with forcemeat and the other ingredients into a uniform mass. Shaped for a loaf of bread which bake approximately one hour at 200 degrees c. alm. oven. The onion and chop the ga