Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Appetizers Dill White pepper Pepper ...

Bring to boil the brine to a boil, it must be a waste of boiling. Com lobsters in brine with head first, beware, it can turn off with the tail. Boil lobsters 12-15 minutes after which they are taken by the heat and draws about 1 hour until cold. Cut the cla

Soups Garlic Onion Leek ...

Norway lobster tails is taken out of the shell. Husk, clutches, vegetables in large cubes, as well as white wine and tomato paste boil 5-6 hours in the water. Next, the soup sis and boil in half. Then mount the soup with butter and cream. That season with salt

Salads Purple olive (calamatas) Parsley leaves Lemon juice thereof ...

Chop the parsley coarsely. Garlic, parsley and water is run into a fine, thin gruel in food processor, add paprika, and run with, to the porridge is uniform. Season with lemon and salt. Water and lemon are used to regulate the consistency in a paprika-salad wi

Salads Bread Salt Oil ...

Boil broccoli bouquets and stems in salted water for 2 min. and pull them up. Refrigerate them and let them drain in a colander. Whip up a marinade of oil, vinegar, water, sugar, salt and pepper. Mix the cherry tomatoes and the cooked broccoli medmarinaden and

Salads A dash of finely chopped garlic Pepper Salt ...

Break off the crunchy lettuce leaves into smaller pieces and arrange them on a large platter. Put the haricots verts and Walnut kernels on top of the salad. Shake the ingredients for the dressing together in a bottle and drip it over the salad just before s

Salads Honey or sugar Pepper Salt ...

The frozen ribs tøes up with sugar or honey. The marinade mix and season. Reversed in the currants and the grated beets. Served in glass bowl, if desired. lined with green salad.

Salads Watercress or other herbaceous Force italian light dressing Nut kernels coarsely chopped ...

Boil the rice in salted water. Some varieties of wild rice must Cook longer than regular white rice-view on the package. Let rice be cold. Mix the other ingredients in together with 1 ½ dl Power dressing. Serve in a bowl and garnish with a dusk watercress or o

Salads Freshly ground pepper Mini baguettes Groftrevet squash ...

Sour cream-sauce: saute the onion and tomatoes in browned butter into a saucepan. Add the paprika, salt, pepper and water and let the mixture boil at low heat and without lids for about 10 min. Purér tomato mixture through a sieve and allow it to cool off. Tur