Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Salads Pepper Salt Carrots into thin sticks ...

Average, Savoy cabbage and cut the grapes in half and remove the cores. Whisk oil, vinegar and water together and season with salt and pepper. Turn the cabbage, bell pepper, carrots and grapes together with the marinade. Served with fried chicken.

Salads Chili, as needed Coarse salt Pepper ...

The roots peeled, washed, cut into smaller pieces (approx. 3 cm), and place gradually in lukewarm water with vinegar or lemon juice. So they don't turn brown. Milk, water and salt to the boil, and the roots are added. They should cook for about 15 minutes unti

Salads Water Finely chopped polygonum Finely chopped red chilli ...

Mix the lotus stalks, polygonum, salt, sugar and lime juice in a bowl and toss all ingredients gently around. Serve the salad on a platter. Cut shrimp through lengthwise and put them on the salad. Garnish with peanuts and cilantro leaves, and fried shallots. S

Salads Pepper Salt Oil ...

Chop the onion. Cut the remaining ingredients into cubes and mix everything gently with the dressing.

Appetizers Salt Vinegar Water ...

Water set to boil over. When it boils, add 1 dl vinegar and a little salt. Turn down the heat, leaving only bubbles back. Beat the egg in a bowl, and pour it carefully into the water. Collect white about the yolk with two spoons. It must pochere in approximate

Salads The main Chinese cabbage cut into strips Fish sauce Fresh mint chopped ...

BBQ pork steak 3 minutes on each side or until it is letstegt. Take it off the grill, cover it and let it rest for 5 minutes. Cut the steak into strips of 5 mm with a sharp knife. Heat the water in a wok and cook beef, covered, for 2 minutes. Finally, it must

Salads Cayenne pepper Salt Spring onions ...

The water brought to a boil with the salt. The rice boils approximately 12-15 minutes and made draining. Ketchup is stirred with mustard, vinegar, Cayenne and sugar. Garlic is squeezed over the dressing. The oil is whipped together with the dressing. Beans and

Salads Vinegar Tarragon Finely chopped red onion ...

Cut the tomatoes into slices and mix it with onions, chives and dill in a bowl. Mix dressing and pour over salad.