Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Vinegar

Salads Lemon juice Icing sugar Red cabbage ...

Vinegar and sugar boil and add finely chopped red cabbage, it must be at least 1 day. Lightly sprinkle the cream to froth and season with flour and lemon juice. The hazelnut flakes are shaken on a dry forehead and cooled. The apples are peeled and torn. Red

Sides Atamon Salt Water ...

Boil the beetroot in salted water (like boiling potatoes when the beets are finished, boil the smatters of them and cut them into 5 mm thick slices and put them in atamon rinsed glass. Just before the beetroot is enough, you put the food over as it takes so

Bread, buns & biscuits Oil for the baking Tin Coriander or cumin Lemon juice (freshly squeezed ½ lemon) ...

Remark; Rye bread is in my book made with 100% rye flour and this flour mix works! The yeast dissolves in ¼ of the buttermilk as well as Honey, rest for 10-15 minutes when it bubbles the mixture is ready. ¾ of the buttermilk lunes slowly to ankle heat, (ie

Bread, buns & biscuits Ground cumin or coriander Lemon juice Vinegar ...

The yeast is dissolved in 1/4 of the buttermilk. The rest of the buttermilk is lounged to 35 ° C. Mix with yeast mix. With a hand-knife at the lowest revolutions, mix a flour, salt, vinegar, lemon juice and coriander or cumin sauce into a bowl bowl. Make a

Cakes Sugar Vinegar Potato flour ...

Bottom: flour and butter are crumbled, sugar is added and the dough is collected with egg yolks. Rests in the fridge 1 hour. Set the oven to 200 ° C. oven. Grease a pie shape, roll out the dough and put it into the mold. Behind the bottom for 15 minute

Appetizers Really very dried dill Brown sugar Fresh bundle dill ...

Freeze the 2 salmon pages for 24 hours to eliminate possibly. Fish parrots - slowly thaw the fridge. Mix brown dough, salt, pepper, dill and rub it on the meat sides of the salmon. The meat sides are laid against each other. It's all put in a dish of pressur

Mains Pepper Boiled potatoes Vinegar ...

Melt the margarine and season the onions until they are clear, but not brown. Add water and vinegar. The onions are boiled tenderly with mild heat about 10 minutes. Add spices. The potatoes are cut into the tern and put into the pan. Put on the lid and warm

Lunch Oil Pepper Rye flour ...

Wipe the silt fillets, remove the ridges and give them a cut at the edge of both sides of the herring. Turn the herring fillets into rye flour mixed with salt and pepper. Melt the grease and sift the fillets golden. Put them on greasy paper. Mix the vinegar