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Recipes with Vinegar

Mains Minced parsley Nykogte potatoes Pepper ...

Sprinkle the peppers for stalk and seed roll and cut them into strips. Chop the loaf roughly and cut the apple into thin boats. Heat the oil and mix the peppers, onion and apple. Let it steam under the lid for 5-6 minutes. Season with peppers, salt and pepp

Cold cuts Allspice Vinegar Garlic ...

A well cleaned pig head is broken. The eyes, the brain and the tongue are taken out and it is laid ½ hour in water, so the blood can pull out. It is poured into abundant water in which salt and herbs come. You let the head boil until one easily separates the l

Lunch Fintklippet chives Potatoes Vinegar ...

The food spices are placed over ice cubes, placed on a napkin on a dish. The napkin must soak up the water when the ice melts. The herbs are decorated with chives and tomato slices. Vinegar, sugar, horseradish are mixed together. Shortly before serving, carefu

Lunch Vinegar Red onion Peppercorn ...

Give vinegar, water and sugar a boil. Cut the slice into slices and put it in stock with the herring fillets. Cool the layer and pour it over the herrings. Must take at least 4 hours. Served with boiled potatoes.

Mains Spiced Apple Salad Juice of 2 limes Bean sprouts ...

Turkey spice: Cut the turkey fillet into long flat strips (about 1 cm x 3 cm x 20 cm) and place them on wooden spikes. Mix oil, soy, sugar and fish sauce and turn the turkey spices into this marinade. Let them pull for 1 hour on the kitchen table or a little l

Mains Chilli, crushed Ginger, crushed Coriander, ground ...

Rinse chicken fillets in cold water. If necessary, trim them to barriers and tendons and dry them carefully. For the marinade stir ketchup, olive oil and the two kinds of vinegar together in a bowl for a uniform mass. Squeeze garlic cloves and add brown sug

Mains Pepper Salt Coarsely ground pepper ...

Clean the sirloin for seniors. Bring coriander seeds, lemon peel, thyme, salt, pepper and olive oil into a blender and blend until the coriander seeds are broken. Put the mixture on a plate and roll the batters in it, brush them with oil. Grill for ab

Sides Red cabbage Cute red currant juice Vinegar ...

The cabbage is cut well, mixed with grated apple and put into the pan with melted margarine, vinegar and salt. The cabbage is boiled approx. 1 hour, season with sugar and ribs. Add if necessary. Little butter or fat to make it blank.