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Recipes with Vinegar

Lunch (the onion) Vinegar Oil ...

The eggs are boiled for approx. 20 minutes with onion pill from shells. This gives the shells a beautiful golden brown color. The eggs immediately come in cold water, and the shells are easily bumped so that they crack. The eggs are placed in a brine, in a gla

Pickling Dill puffs Sidestep spice bag Asier ...

Peel 1 kg of ash, cut it over and remove the kernels. Cut them into strips and the length you want to eat them. Bring the carved asier to glass immediately. Onions are peeled and cut into ½cm rings. Bring vinegar, sugar, salt, onion, boil. To each

Sauces Corn flour jævning Vinegar Sugar ...

Water sugar vinegar and pure pour into a pan and boil lightly Taste if there is any more sugar or vinegar in it Smoothing maizena and water pour a little so that it is right Can be used for baked shrimp and other.

Sides Lemon juice Vinegar Large onion ...

Cut tomatoes in both. Shovel smoothly. Mix the vinegar, lemon juice, oil and sugar into a bowl and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Bring tomatoes and onions in the bowl and mix well. Put cold for about an hour. Pour it over the lasagne and hear the angels s

Lunch Margarine for frying Pepper Salt ...

The herring is rinsed, the spine is cut off and the herrings are divided into two fillets that lay in water. Flour, salt and pepper are put in a bag and mixed. The herrings are dried in a kitchen roll and put the bag in a shake. The fillets are heated by ho

Cakes Macaroons Fresh berries Thawed frozen berries ...

Marengsbunde: The egg whites are whipped stiff. The vinegar and half of the sugar are poured in and the mixture is whipped again until it is stiff. Rinse the rest of the sugar and stir gently into the mixture. Make 2 approx. Just big circles of dough on a pi

Pickling Chili Pepper Salt ...

Slice the cucumber into thin slices and salt them with light hand. Bring the slices into a light pressure sieve for 30 minutes. Then rinse the salt of the cucumber discs and press them out of water. Boil vinegar with sugar, pepper and laurel leaves for appro

Sandwiches Onion Garlic Slices cucumber ...

Melt sugar at low heat. When the sugar is completely melted, the vinegar is poured in. You will see that the sugar mass is stiffening, so you should let it melt again. When melted, the cucumbers are put in and they are turned a few times. Take them up and put