Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Shallots

Soups Pepper Salt Coarse mustard ...

Soup: Load the burners in the cold water salt. Salt cleaner. Rinse the burners thoroughly several times. There can be a lot of soil. Rinse the kvelvel. Cut the yarn well. The suite slipped into the butter until it collapsed. Add fire brigades and quarries. Po

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

The meat is baked in a pan in the margarine and sprinkle with salt and pepper and put in a soaked stegeso. The onions are cut into quarters, carrots peeled and divided into spelled, put into a small frying pan. Put the pan in a hot oven and pour water. The

Mains Cooking cream or whipping cream Easy potatoes or fettucine Sweet white wine ...

Chop tomatoes, onions and oyster hats. Stir bacon shortly in a preheated pan. Just for a minute. Pour off the waist and put it away from the heat. Heat a sauté pan and pour rapeseed oil. Brown brown bread for about 2 minutes on each side and add bacon, c

Mains Boil water Parsley, fresh Ramson ...

The veal cut into large cubes, which are put in a pot of unsalted cold water, so it covers and let it boil. Take the meat, rinse it and put it in the pan with a new tap of water so it covers and add a little salt. Let it boil, foam off. Add carrots, parsnip

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

The beef broth is well-baked with carrots and onions in the butter. Pilsner and water pour over and the dish cooks for 2.3 hours until the meat is very tender. Refills with water as needed. The pot must not boil dry. sauce: The meat is taken up and the sou

Mains Boil water Pepper Salt ...

Put the ox breast into cold water. Let it cook at low heat for approx. 80-90 minutes until the meat is very tender. Do you have any vegetable residues, these can be added and cooked with. The spider bowl is divided into 6 pieces blanched in spilled water. M

Appetizers Lemon Sea salt Pepper ...

The meat is removed from the cucumber and cut into small pieces. Put them in a sieve and sprinkle with a little sea salt to get the water off. Scallops, capers and parsley are chopped well. Tuna fillet and fennel cut into small terns. The ingredients

Mains Freshly ground pepper Carrots Wheat flour ...

The day before: Remove senes and grease from the meat, cover with salt and let it pull for 6 hours and turn it regularly Rinse the meat thoroughly (very thoroughly - otherwise the finished dish becomes inedible salt!), Put it in a large bowl with the veget