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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Chicken whole ...

Fill the chicken with parsley, save the stems. Heat oil in a large frying pan and brown chicken on all sides. Season with salt and pepper. Turn the flask down to low heat, add water and parsley and place a lid over the pan. Stir the chicken for approx. one

Mains Pepper Rice Salt ...

Divide the chicken into 4-6 pieces. Remove the kernels from the chillie and cut it nicely, cut three / four "pockets" in each chicken piece, rub the chillie well into the meat and place it on both sides on a dry pan until it is brown. Add peeled tomatoes an

Mains Pepper Salt Grated mozzarella cheese ...

Clean the vegetables. Cut leeks, carrots, parsnips and celery in slices. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and season the vegetables together with thyme for approx. 5 min. Sprinkle flour and stir well. Add broth and milk and boil the vegetable sauce for a fe

Mains Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

Dough: Stir yeast into 1 dl. lukewarm water. Sift the flour into a stirrup and make a hole in the middle to salt, sugar, olive oil and the dissolved yeast Beat the dough well with your hands and gradually add the rest of the water until a firm and lightl

Mains Chili (can be chili of any kind, but be careful with the dosage!) Curry Oregano ...

Onion, meat and curry browned Add tomatoes, greek yogurt, salt, pepper and oregano and boil for approx. 15 min. Taste of (may be strong - but beware!) Put the lasagne in a small tall dish to make more layers. Make the teams as follows: Sleep, spinach, plates a

Lunch Pepper Asparagus (300 g) French bread ...

Brush lightly on toast or on a dry forehead. Distribute the Asparagus stems over them and sprinkle with the cheese. Place the bread under the grill approx. 4 minutes until the cheese is melted and golden. Sprinkle with pepper and server immediately.

Appetizers Dill, fresh Pepper Salt ...

The salmon is cut into slices, layered in a flat dish. Freshly squeezed pepper is sprinkled on each layer. Finally pour the juice of lemons and orange over. The juice must cover the salmon. Set cold for 2 days. You can clearly see when the dish is finished,

Appetizers Pepper Reefs must be of 1 lemon Juice of 2 lemons ...

Cut the salmon into thin slices and put them on a dish. Mix the marinade and pour it over. Let the salmon cool for 1-2 hours. Pour marinade from the fish and indicate it portionwise. Taste 1 dl Cream fraiche to with fried horseradish and serve it together w