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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon ...

The olive oil is poured on the forehead and the bacon is cut into fine tiny cubes and brownish golden in the olive oil and while bringing the water to the spaghetti in a boil. The eggs are easily peeled into a bowl. When the spaghetti is boiled al dente and

Sides Pepper Salt Potatoes ...

Peel the potatoes and cut into smaller pieces. Boil them well in a thickened pot in water without salt, approx. 20 minutes. Pour the water from the potatoes and steam them completely dry. Mash the potatoes with a potato stew or elixir and add the milk gradu

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Start sweating mushrooms (half), bacon & amp; the meat. Then mix all the ingredients except the pasta & amp; cheese. Let it simmer for about 20 minutes. Sovs: Start melting the butter in a saucepan after which you pour the flour into and mix. Now pour the m

Base recipes Nutmeg Carnations Paprika ...

The chopped herring is placed for a few hours in vinegar and water half of each. They are then wiped and then layered in a container of spice mixture. There is a slight pressure. Is finished after 1 month.

Base recipes Vinegar and water EVS. 1 bottle of salad oil Ginger grated ...

The herring must be large and with roe or milk. The gills are cut off and the intestines are pulled out, and the herrings are cleansed by putting them in half water and half vinegar, which is called to bleed them on the day after the silt is thrown off with th

Base recipes Sugar Fresh herring, untreated Pepper ...

Whole mixes are added and layered with the herring in a bucket and a light pressure is put on so that they stay in the layers. They are finished after approx. 1 month.

Base recipes Vinegar Ground ginger Bay leaves ...

The herring is cleansed and served in vinegar for a day. Dip the spices and mix them with the herring in a jar, with a light pressure of at least 1 month in a cool place.

Base recipes Ginger Cinnamon Oregano ...

The herring is cleansed for inoculation and applies but is not rinsed. In a clean container, cover with a layer of the finished mixture, after which the herrings are layered with a little of the mixture between them and finally pour the rest of the mixture ove