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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh chopped oregano or 1 tsp dried ...

Make a serving of pizza dough. Rinse and peel the tomatoes, tomatoes from the can just drop off. Remove the stalk and split the tomatoes in quarters. Pil onion and garlic and chop them nicely. Heat the oil in a saucepan and season the onions. Add tomatoes, sal

Mains Pepper Fresh chopped oregano or 1 tsp dried Onion or 3 spring onions ...

Peel the potatoes and grind them roughly. Wipe them in a dishcloth. Arrow lulled (spring buds) and cut them fine. Chop the sardelles well. Put the sliced ​​potatoes in a bowl and mix them with onions, sardelles, eggs, salt, oregano and pepper. Melt the butter

Mains Pepper Salt Coarse salt ...

Stir yeast into the water. Add salt, oil and flour and knead the dough well. Let the dough rest for 40 min. Scroll out to square approx. 35x35 cm. Mix tomato puree, garlic, oregano and approx. 175 g of cheese together. Distribute the mixture over the dough. Ro

Mains Honey Pepper Salt ...

The yeast is stirred in the water, honey, salt, oil and herbs are stirred. Grahamsmelet is added and the dough draws approx. 15 min. The wheat flour is stirred in the dough slightly at a time. Thoroughly peel and turn into 1 tablespoon. oil. The dough is cover

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Dough: Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water and add salt, oil and flour. Bring the dough well and set it up for a slight spot for approx. 20 min. Roll out the dough on a messy table. Form it to a round pizza and place it on a baking sheet coated with baki

Mains Pepper Grated cheese Salt ...

Stir yeast into water. Add oil, salt and flour and knead the dough together into a smooth dough. Apply it for 30 min. Make up while filling: Heat the oil and season the meat. Pour and chop onions with garlic and let it sweat. Add chopped bell pepper, tomat

Mains Onion powder Paprika Pepper ...

Bunde: Stir yeast into the water and add the other ingredients. Pour the flour for a little while. Let the dough rest for 15 minutes. Roll the dough thinly into one large or 3 small pizzas. Sauce: Pour the chopped tomatoes into a sieve and pass them through

Mains Extra virgin olive oil Fresh basil leaves Pepper ...

The dough: Stir salt and sugar into the water, add the yeast and oil and stir thoroughly. Add the flour gradually. Eating to the dough is smooth and smooth and set it for upright, covered, in a warm place for approx. 2 hours. Set the oven to maximum temperatu