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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Egg yolk ...

Bring chicken breasts into a food processor with eggs and buckwheat flour. Drive it through until it's a uniform father. Chop the steamed beans and put them together with salt, pepper and basil torn in small pieces. Come if ½ fine-cut fresh, sweet chili

Mains Pepper Salt White cabbage ...

Leave the cabbage leaves and blanch them in boiling water approx. 2 min. Let them drip well. Mix the minced meat with onion, parsley and spice with salt and pepper. Distribute the meat to the cabbage leaves and fold together. Bind possibly. With cotton yarn

Sides Pepper Salt Curry ...

All ingredients are mixed well. Let the meat marinate for some hours, like the night.

Mains Fat stofmængde of your choice-however, at least 10 g butter, margarine or 2 tsp oil Pepper Salt ...

Remove silver silver if it is not removed. Cut the pork tenderloin into 3 cm thick slices. Dip the steaks dry with the kitchen roll. Spice the steaks with salt and pepper. Warm the grease on a pan with good heat - butter and margarine must be golden, oil must

Soups Cumin, ground Garlic Pepper ...

Remove the whole stem from the tomatoes with a knife and rinse them approx. 15 sec in boiling water and rinse under cold water, the tomatoes are cut and cut in both. The meat is cut into cubes and wrapped in the margarine. Bacon cut into cubes, onions in bo

Mains Pepper Salt Herbes de provence ...

Chicken thaws thawed and roasted on the forehead in margarine approx. 8 min. Sprinkle with salt and herbes de Provence. The china cabbage is cut into strips, the onions in cubes. Chicken cabbage, onions and tomatoes are spread into a greased refractory dish.

Sides Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Grease an oven-proof soufflé form and sprinkle with garlic salt. Cut the potatoes into thin slices and put them in layers with the coarse cheese. Sprinkle between layers with salt, pepper and a small spoon of nutmeg. Pour the cream over and style the mold in a

Sides Pepper Tomato, skinless and cores Butter ...

Stir the soft butter together with the ketchup, so it will have a creamy consistency. Then add the tomato (cut into fine tern) and pepper.