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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Accessories ...

The hornfish are made, legs and fish are removed and the fish are cut into suitable pieces. Squeeze the garlic cloves and stir them with the oil. Mariner the horizons here. Whisk the fish on a hot forehead, then sautéed (roasted) majors, fennel and peppers. Th

Cold cuts Lemon Pepper Salt ...

Pick the fish in smaller pieces. Divide tomatoes in quarters, scrape kernels and juice and chop tomato meat into smaller pieces. Chop the pickled cucumbers well. Chop the parsley well. Mix mayonnaise and drip yogurt. Taste with tomato sauce, peppers, tab

Mains Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Start making the aïolien. Squeeze the garlic, add the egg yolk and add salt. Spoon well together, add the oil gradually, as in Mayonnaise. Finally add aïolia with lemon juice, salt and pepper. The hornfish are cleaned and cut into suitable portions. The

Mains Lemon juice Freshly grated nutmeg Pepper ...

Start cleaning the whole serving of fresh spinach. Remove the roughest stems and rinse the spinach very carefully in several layers of cold water. Wipe the leaves lightly in the kitchen roll. Pour 100 grams of leaves to fill in the fish and 250 grams for the s

Mains Pepper Salt Bay leaf ...

Boil the meat with water, salt, pepper, bay leaf, thyme and parsley approx. 2 hours. Arrow the bulbs and cut in quarters. Peel potatoes and carrots and cut them into large pieces of approx. 4 cm. Remove the outer leaves of the cauliflower. Cut the stick and

Mains Nutmeg, freshly grated Oregano, dried Parmesan cheese. Reef ...

The aubergines are cut for approx. 0.5 cm thick slices sprinkle with salt and pull approx. 10 min. The eggplant is diced with a piece of paper roll. The eggplant is placed in a frying pan. The meat sauce is prepared Meat sauce: The onions (in small tern

Mains Fresh, trimmed lovage leaves A little Basil Pepper ...

Whip the whole egg with cream and pepper to the scrambled eggs and put into a pan with the melted butter. For low heat, lighten the egg mass and stir slowly and quietly in the mass. When it is like a slightly uneven cream, the pot is taken from the heat and th

Mains Coriander seeds Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

Put the chickpeas in soft overnight. Let them run into a doorstep. Arrow and chop onion and garlic. Run all ingredients in a blender until the dough is firm and soft. Let the chickpeas stand for 4-6 hours at room temperature. Form small, rather flat bowl