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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

The meat is cut into strips of approx. 1 x 1 cm And 8 cm long. The onion cut into slices from head to root. Melt the butter in a pan, Brown meat and onion in it. Add the tomato paste, paprika, salt and pepper. Pour the water on so it covers. Bring the pot t

Lunch Pepper Salt Finely chopped red onion ...

In each slice of bread is removed so much convoluted that there will be a gap of approximately 5 cm. The bread toasting browned in oil on both sides. The bread will be on his forehead, the egg turned out in hulletog FRY to it begins to congeal then invert b

Appetizers Pepper Salt Whole eggs ...

eggs and milk, beat well together in a deep dish, franskbrøds slices are added in and reversed so that they will be good through towed. the slices are sautéed a couple minutes on each side sprinkled with white pepper and salt and serve hot with 2 slices of s

Appetizers Pepper Salt Cottage cheese ...

4 tbsp. smoked cheese and 4 tbsp. cottage cheese stirred together with cut chives, salt and pepper. Avocados sliced, peeled off the stones, and smoked cheese mass is distributed on avocados and garnish with quartered cherry tomatoes and a little extra cut chiv

Salads Pepper Juice of 2 limes and must Salt ...

1. lay the pancetta to a plate and fry it browned and crunchy in the oven for approximately 6-8 minutes at 175 gr. 2. Rinse the salad and let the afdryppe in a strainer, wipe it on paper/tea towel. 3. Peel mango and melon and cut them into uniform pieces. 4

Sides Pepper Salt Finely chopped onion ...

The beans are cooked. Sauté the onion in the fat. The beans and the carved tomatoes added. That seasoned beans and steamed until tender. Served with fried pork.

Mains Butter for frying Nutmeg Pepper ...

Stir in stuffing with salt and fintsnittet Leek. Stir the egg in along with the spices. Stir a little of the milk in, then potato flour and then the rest of the milk. Form meatballs with a spoon and fry them in brown butter on the forehead 8-10 min. on each

Sides Pepper Salt Augurk ...

Grate augurken and place it in a colander over the sink in everything from my 30-45 to the majority of the water from augurken is sprinkled by. While augurken drips of takes you a bowl in which you pour the Greek yoghurt in the pesser and garlic in. then you