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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Whole red peppers Potatoes ...

Sliced ​​spring onion in fine rings and the red pepper in thin strips clean the campignon and cut them in slices clean for fat and tendons cut it into thin strips and brown it well in a saucepan add all spices and vegetables and warm it well through Then add 2

Sides Or 2 patinakker Or 2 parsley roots Pepper ...

Boil it all together until it's darkened - it causes the celery, it takes about 20 minutes, or even with Maizena. tips: This is another version of stewed cabbage and can be used as accessories for meatballs and the like. The celery and other root vegetable

Mains Peas (frost) Basil Bechamel ...

Turn on 200 degrees (hot air) Brown the meat and onions. Then add all the other ingredients close to bechamel. Then alternately put meat with a little bechamel on top and lasagne plates. Saw it in the preheated oven for about 25min Just say a man next

Appetizers Cherry tomatoes for garnish/linings Pepper Salt ...

All the vegetables are cut very nicely and mixed in a bowl of finely chopped herbs cremefraise and lemon juice. Then turn the prawns in and season with salt and pepper severes on a green salad bottom with coarse flutes to tips: The green hall will be good

Mains Ketchup Spices as you'd like, I'm using paprika, garlic, salt, pepper, a little chili Paprika ...

Start making dressing, just pour it all together and taste it. Cut out the vegetables as you would like them to be. Sweat the beef and when it is browned, add the onions and spices. Make the rice and let them pull while the rice dish is finished. Add all t

Salads Freshly ground pepper Pepper Salt ...

Coleslaw: Cut the cabbage fine (a whole bowl head may be in the upper part, so you can take something away). Cut the carrots on the grater. Mix the cabbage and carrot together. Stir marinade together and mix cabbage and carrots in a large plastic bag. Let

Mains Milk Pepper Salt ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Grease a refractory dish with oil or margarine. Here the fish is laid. Frozen or fresh. For 3-4 people approx. 800 gr. Sprinkle with some salt and pepper. Prepare a letter hollandaise sauce according to the instructions on th

Sides Sour cream 18% Curry Paprika ...

Mix all spices into Creme fraichen and stir well until a good and delicious dip