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Recipes with Pepper

Sides Pepper Squeezed lemon Salt ...

Take the meat out of the avocados and mash them with a fork until they are mashed to a lot. Pour the 4 tablespoons of creme fraiche and stir well. More or less creme fraiche can be poured depending on how much guacamole is to taste avocado. Add the spices and

Mains Fresh herbs from the garden Pinch chili (dried or fresh) Pinch sugar ...

Chop onions, garlic, chili and bacon and then chop them in the oil on the forehead (in the same order). When the ingredients are golden brown add the red wine and cook / cook further for 1-2 minutes. Add the tomato sauce, add a little sugar and add salt and

Mains Feta Oil Pepper ...

Fine Chicken Chili, Ginger, and Parsley. Mix it with the meat, squeeze garlic in. Crumbs Feta into the meat. Depending on your taste, you decide how much chilli, garlic, parsley, feta and ginger you want. The meat must hang together when making 4 big steaks

Mains Cayenne pepper Paprika Pepper ...

Put potatoes in the bowls and put them in a freezer with peppers, a little cayenne, salt, pepper and oil, shake well and put them on a grate or pan with baking paper, stir at 210 degrees in the middle of the oven for about 20-30 Mine until they are soft in the

Mains 1-2 tbsp. small black olives Pepper Salt ...

Rinse and peel the parsley. Blend it with olive oil and water and season with salt and pepper. Clean the pores and cut them into thin rings. Put a pot of water over boiling and add 1 teaspoon. salt. Put the pasta in the pan and stir around. Add the leeks, stir

Lunch Spring onions Fresh parsley Pepper ...

Eggs are divided into tern about 1x1 cm, onions, spring onion and parsley finely chopped and mixed with egg, mayo and cream fraiche and salt and pepper to taste. tips: Here you can also add vegetables if you think it is good. Served with good tomatoes on g

Mains Pepper ROMARIN Onion ...

Take a small oven-proof dish. Put the baking paper in the dish. Blame and peel the apples. Slice out the core house and put the apples in the dish. Fill: Arrow, and heel loosened. Cut the bacon into cubes. Bring the bacon on a pan. Sweat bacon. Get the onio

Mains Basil Margarine or oil Paprika ...

Boil tortellini in water with a little salt. Brown the meat in a pan with onions and white onions. Add broth or water and tomato paste. Season with paprika, thyme, basil, salt and pepper. Bring the tortellini into an ovenproof dish, pour the meat sauce ove