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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt White wine ...

Bed the butcher bark the lamb and make it able to pamper. Put the roll in soft in the wine. Chop the hard boiled egg well. Pil onion and garlic sauce and chop both pieces nicely. Cut the ham into small cubes. Parsley and Esdragon rinse, shake dry and chop t

Mains EVS. air-dried top of scallion Pepper Coarse salt ...

Let half of the butter become golden in a saute pan. Brown the hamburgers 1 min. On each side and sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Then step the schnitzels at low heat for approx. 2 min. Turn them 1-2 times as they finish cooking. Take the schnitzler up and

Mains Paprika, edelsuss Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Spoon the chinchips with peppers, salt and pepper, turn them into squashed egg and then grate and fry on the forehead. Sauce: Cut pepper moisture and onion onions. Bring margarine in a saucepan, melt margarine and first bring peppers, then onions and peppe

Mains Dill Pepper Salt ...

Beat the meat, turn into parmesan cheese and pour it golden in the butter. Season with salt and pepper. Mix the rest to the sauce and let it boil a few min. Seasoned with lemon slice and server boiled potatoes, broccoli, salt, cucumber and tomato for.

Mains Fresh herbs Fresh summer vegetables such as spring onions small new carrots and squash A little sun-dried tomatoes ...

Mix the cream cheese with the other ingredients and butter a ½ cm. Thick layer on each schnitzel. Roll the schnitzlerne together and fasten with a toothpick. Brown the little roulades on a pan in a little butter and finish them in the oven at 180 ° for approx.

Mains Cream 13% Onion Pepper ...

Turn on the oven at 160 degrees C. Sprinkle the Schnitzler with sage and pepper. Heat the grease on a pan and raise the schnitzlerne 1½ - 2 minutes on each side at low heat. Put them in a fireproof dish and put them in the oven approx. 20 minutes. Arrow

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

The meat is knocked out. The egg is whipped with 2 teaspoons. water. The meat is turned into the egg and then in raspberries. The meat is boiled in butter for 4 to 6 minutes. on every side. Place the meat on a hot dish and decorate with 1 teaspoon. Capers,

Mains Pepper Salt Vegetable broth ...

Sprinkle the schnitzler and the halves in half. Sprinkle the meat with salt and pepper and put a slice of ham and a sage leaf on each. Stick it with a toothpick. Brown the schnitzler on a pan with butter and spoon broth. Let the broth almost boil completely