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Recipes with Pepper

Sauces Curry Pepper Juice of 2 oranges ...

The butter is melted and the curry is burned (amount to taste, but about 1½ teaspoon), orange juice and broth are added and boiled for approx. 5 min. Apples (peeled, cut into cubes) and grapes (half, stoned) are added and boiled for approx. 1 min. The cream is

Mains Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Duck breast brushed with spices and lightly roast in the oven. The red meat is cut into a nice little tern and turn with light whipped cream frisse, horseradish flavored with lemon juice, salt, pepper. Garlic, mustard and turmeric are easily sautéed and

Lunch Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Stack the cucumbers, grab the kernels and cut them into small pieces. Mix with broth, husblas etc. Pour into a striped form until it is stiffened. At the serving, salad leaves are laid in the middle and filled, for example. With prawns or the like. Looks

Mains Solve rice Pepper Salt ...

Chop loose well and tear the carrot. Cut the chicken into 8 pieces and rub the chicken pieces with a little salt and pepper. Sweat Leaving weakly golden in a frying pan with the 50 g Margarine. Put the chicken pieces in the saucepan and let them take color. Tu

Mains EVS. a little lemon juice Spice as you like Paprika ...

Divide the chicken in a quarter and place the pieces in a refractory dish, sprinkle with salt, pepper and peppers and pour some water to the bottom of the dish. Stir the chicken in the oven at 200 degrees for 45 minutes. Taste the sour milk with garlic, salt a

Mains Pepper Juice of 1 lemon Salt ...

Put the glass noodles in soft for 10 minutes in hot water. Cut the chicken meat from the chicken and cut it into strips. The peppers are washed, shredded and cut into strips. Onion and garlic are peeled and chopped well. Take the glass noodles out of the wa

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Switch on the grill in the oven. Rinse the peppers and wipe them off. Place them all on a plate of baking paper in the oven under the grill until they are dark. Turn them so they are grilled on all sides approx. 15 minutes in total. Remove the peppers from the

Mains EVS. a piece of cotton string Pepper Salad ...

Bring 1 litter of water in a saucepan. Add a little salt and the pre-cooked polenamel while stirring. Take the pot of heat after 1 minute (now the consistency of the pre-cooked polenamel must be like porridge). Pour the polenta into eg. A French bread and put