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Recipes with Mushrooms

Mains Pepper Salt Curry ...

The meat is cut into centimeters of large pieces And brown in margarine. Cut mushrooms swirled with. Then chopped onion spices and halved tomatoes. Spread it all up with water and water if the meat is covered and boils for about 1 hour. When the sauce is s

Mains 0.5 TSP. Sambal oylek Pepper Salt ...

Cut and chop the vegetables into suitable pieces. Melt the butter in a large pot of oil and curry and let the curry "burn off". Season the onions and garlic until they are golden. Add vegetables and sweets until they have thrown all the veins. Add tomatoes, br

Mains Mushrooms Cocktail sausages Bacon, diced ...

Bacon brune light, ham is cooked and heated. Tomato sauce, peeled tomatoes (like garlic and oragano), mushrooms, cocktail sausages and cream are mixed in. The court should simmer for 45 minutes. The dish is cooked if necessary, which I did not need. To th

Sauces Pepper Salt White wine. dry ...

Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Chop sliced ​​well and put it on a pan with the butter for a few minutes (hard heat). Add the mushrooms, season them with salt, pepper and peppers. Let it fry until all liquid is evaporated. Add cooking cream and w

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Turn the chops into flour with salt and pepper and brown on the forehead and place in an ovenproof dish. Mushrooms and tomatoes are shaken in the butter on the forehead and then spread over the chops. The pan is boiled off and the cream added. The sauce is

Mains Suit Corn flour cornstarch Margarine ...

Brown the beef in the margarine, together with the scallops in a thick pot. Cut the peppers into strips, carrots in thin slices, (and mushrooms in half if they are fresh) and bring it to the saucepan. Leave it brown for approx. 4-5 min. Then bring the ch

Mains Majzena Margarine Pepper ...

Dip the beef dry. Brown it in a pot of margarine. Season with salt and pepper. Add broth, onions, garlic, thyme, wine and water. Boil and simmer for 40 minutes. Step bacon, celery and mushroom 2-3 min. Put it in the pan and cook another 10-15 minutes or until

Mains Chili Nutmeg Basil ...

Clean and cut onion and garlic. Season them clear and golden in rapeseed oil and remove them. Stir the meat 500 g at a time and remove it when it has been cropped. Stir tomato puree and chopped peeled tomatoes. Then add the rest of the ingredients and finally