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Recipes with Mushrooms

Mains Fill Pepper Salt ...

Remove the butterfly plates from the freezer and widen them to lighten up slightly. Cut the fat from the tenderloin and brown it in a little butter. Filling: Clean the mushrooms and chop them roughly, shake them on a dry pan until they have a little col

Mains Cream Oil for frying Pepper ...

The breasts are cut by the pigeons (the thighs may be served to a party or saved to a confit or other starter). The breasts are lightly brushed for approx. 4 minutes. Fathers: Kalkunkød, cut into smaller pieces, blend in the food processor with salt, egg, e

Sauces Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Jævning Pepper. White ...

Put the chopped chopped mushrooms in butter with lemon juice and add white wine and cream and the sauce boils for 3-4 minutes. Smoothed and flavored.

Mains A little parsley Pepper Salt ...

The hair is divided into smaller pieces, part the thighs in the joint between the thighs and legs and divide the back in 3-4 pieces across. The batter is cut into small cubes and browned with the harness pieces for approx. 75 g of butter - this is best done i

Sides Cucumber Leaf celery Mushrooms ...

On a dish, red and green peppers are placed without kernels and in thin slices, in addition: cleaned radishes, small pieces of celery, cucumbers like beets and fresh whole, purified mushrooms. As sauce may be served: Spice butter on tomato slices

Mains Crème fraiche 38% Jævning Suit ...

The chicken is divided into smaller pieces. The bacon is cut free of heavy and cut into narrow strips that fry with the small pinned onion (buy the frozen if you are going to make it easy). When this is golden, put the chicken pieces with garlic cloves and the

Soups Chili Extra soy Pepper ...

Cut the chicken meat into fine strips and mix with maizena and soy in a bowl, turn chicken into the meat. Put a pan over with water and broths when cooked, add the chicken and maizena / soy mixture. Let this boil for 15 minutes. In the cut, cut the vegetables

Mains Lime or lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Chop onion and snack pepper fine. Chop spinach. Cut mushrooms in slices and tomatoes in quarters. Put onion and snack pepper in a little oil on the forehead. Add the mushroom slices and finally spinach. Turn down the heat and stir for a couple of minutes un