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Recipes with Mushrooms

Mains Thai green cooking sauce Sambal oelek Cabbage fintsnittet ...

Bring the chicken with spices, add broth, let the dish boil, turn it down and simmer for approx. 20 min. Add the vegetables and simmer with approx. 5-10 min. tips: Can be served with rice or pan-fried noodles

Mains Pepper Salt Magarine/butter ...

Cut the bacon into small strips and brown it in a saucepan, remove it and put it aside. Brown the chops one moment on each side until they get color and then remove them and put them in a large ovenproof dish, then lay the bacon down over / next to it. Cut

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Chop the mushrooms roughly and wrap them on a dry forehead until the waist is gone. Cool them. Cut out the tenderloin for seniors and fat and cut a deep groove on the side that folds out and knocks easily. Stir the butter softly with crushed garlic. Grease

Mains Canola oil Salt Thyme ...

Wash the vegetables and peel them then cut them into the tern and place them on a baking sheet and mix them with oil and turn on the oven at 200 degrees and leave them for 30 minutes with a little salt take the chicken thighs and put them thoroughly on the for

Mains Basil Parmesan Thyme ...

Put water over to tortellini (put plenty of salt in the water) Cut the bacon into medium sized pieces and put on the forehead (preferably without fat). Mushrooms are cut into slices and garlic squeezed / sliced ​​and put together with bacon. Let it stand un

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Turn on the oven on 200 gr. Season the meat and brown it. Shake bacon until it's almost done. Pour the liquid from the mushrooms and season the cucumber in the tern. Put a layer of mushrooms and cucumber in the bottom of a refractory dish, put the plates

Mains Mushrooms Finely chopped chili Fresh basil ...

The tiger rears are taken out of the shells that are stored. The tiger prawns are then laid in a marinadeaf olive oil, squeezed lemon, finely chopped garlic, chili and freshly ground pepper. The bowls are placed in a pot of water and boiled into funds. 1 can

Mains Olive oil Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Cut the potatoes into ½ cm slices Clean the mushrooms cut the stick off The mushrooms are dripped with lemon juice The parsley is cut into fine strips and mixed with the grater and the cracked cheese. The oven is preheated to 175 gr. Refractory dish brush