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Recipes with Milk

Desserts (cold) Buddingpulver Milk Vanila ...

Boil the boil according to the instructions for use on the bag and pour it into an edge molded in cold water. The apples are washed, peeled and halved. The core house is removed. The sugar is melted into light brown caramel in a thickened pot. The pot is remov

Desserts (cold) Chopped almonds Buddingpulver Milk ...

The oranges are peeled and cut into slices. The cores are removed. The fruit is wetted wet with sugar. The budding is cooked according to the instructions on the bag. Put a little of the tender in a wet striped form, then add a layer of orange slice, which mus

Mains Pepper, freshly ground Salt Honey ...

Cut the peeled potatoes in large pieces and put them in a pan together with the crushed garlic, boil them in water that just covers, without salt. Give milk and butter a boil, pour the water from the potatoes and garlic and season them with the warm milk, t

Mains Pepper Salt Sugar ...

Yeast is poured into water and milk. Bogweed grains and buckwheat flour are added and are covered for approx. 4 hours. Butter melt and add the buckwheat mixture with sugar and salt. Whip flour, wheat flour and egg yolks are added and the dough is whipped we

Lunch Butter for frying Sour cream Large bunch chives ...

Stir flour, salt and milk well together. Whip the eggs and let the dough rest for 30 minutes. Whip it through and put the pancakes in butter, let them cool off. Butter the pancakes with creme fraiche and finely chopped chives. Lay the salmon slices over and ro

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Casserole: Bowl of flour, salt and fat, cut into smaller pieces, in a food processor or bowl. Chop the ingredients together with a knife or mash them with a fork until the mixture is crumbled. Add eggs and possibly. Water and knead quickly dough together. Pack

Desserts (cold) Blackberries Saffron Water ...

Pour the saffron into a mortar with 1 teaspoon of sugar. Warm the water and stir the saffron mixture. Pour sugar and milk and egg yolks in a saucepan and warm up while still whipping the cream and cool in cold water with stirring. Whip the cream and mix it int

Desserts (cold) Sugar Vanilla ice cream Milk ...

The sugar is browned to caramel and an edge shaped with some of the caramel. The rest of the caramel is boiled with water while stirring to a thick syrup that is cooled. Mix in the whipped cream just prior to serving. The eggs are easily whipped together with