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Recipes with Marzipan

Candy Cold water Marzipan Red food coloring ...

Marzipan is kneaded with red food coloring, be deployed and moisten with quite a bit of cold water. Some thin sausages colourless marzipan added that end with some cm. intervals. Rolled it all together with caution, and the sausage is placed now over a piec

Candy Cocoa Cold water Marzipan ...

Marzipan is kneaded with cocoa, deploying and moisten with quite a bit of cold water. Some thin sausages colourless marzipan added that end with some cm. intervals. Rolled it all together with caution, and the sausage is placed now over a piece of uncoloure

Candy Different red colors Cocoa Cold water ...

Marzipan is shared, stained with various reds and deploying thin. Also be deployed a thin coat of colourless marzipan. This placed first on the table and moisten with quite a bit of cold water. Above the different colored layers also moisten with a little cold

Candy Icing sugar Green color A little water ...

Marzipan rolled into small round balls, which again are shaped like cones. 5 a 6 such is made up by basting with a little water. With URf.eks. a stick employed small holes in marcipanen. Green leaves are made of marzipan, who together also kneaded with green c

Candy Cold water Pastry Chef color or cocoa Marzipan ...

Marzipan rolled into balls. Half of these are shaped to the hats, while the rest are shaped as cones to the ovaries. These attached with the pointed end into the hat using a little cold water. You can also shape the marzipan mushrooms by a slightly larger b

Candy Pastry colors Marzipan ...

Marzipan rolled into long sausages and head a little at one end. With a pair of scissors detached small pieces of marzipan, and in this way formed his head. This is stained a bit with cotton ball, dipped in red and green, dry confectionary colors. Asparagus is

Candy Egg white Strawberry leaf Marzipan ...

Marzipan rolled into balls, which are shaped like strawberries and reversed in egg white, whipped together with a little water and Red food coloring. Reversed then in sugar or Crystal granulated sugar. Strawberry leaf purchased and blended in fruit.

Candy Crystal granulated sugar Marzipan Prunes ...

Prunes freed from stones, and instead of these places a small strip of marzipan. Svesken shuts down half of this, and it's all rolled in Crystal granulated sugar