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Recipes with Leeks

Sides White pepper Salt Saffron ...

Remove the coarse stems from spinach and rinse the leaves until they are free from any. soil. Cut the top portion of the top of the leeks, rinse the rest thoroughly and cut them into thin rings at 2-3 mm. Fry as porrerringene in a pan in a tablespoon. butter,

Soups Water Cream Chicken stock-dicing ...

1. wash, rinse and slice the leeks into thin slices 2. dandruff katoflerne and cut them into small cubes 3. melt butter in a saucepan and saute the leeks in, and came them. 4. com katofler, broth and water in pot and let it boil in small 20 min 5. Add salt and

Mains Pepper Salt Cream cheese with herbs ...

Saute Turkey Breast on all pages of the fat in a frying pan. Put breast in a baking dish or small roasting pan. Cut deep grooves in the Turkey Breast with ca. 1 cm's deep space. Advantage cream cheese with herbs in the grooves. Saute the bacon in the pan. Take

Soups Whipped cream or creme fraiche Minced parsley Grated horseradish ...

Bones and beef forkød place in a large pot and cover with water, boils up and skimmed. While skures and peeled off: parsley root, parsnips, carrots and celery. The pores. The herbs and the pores should not in the soup yet, only the skin of root vegetables a

Mains Pepper Salt Freshly slaughtered Turkey on 7-9 kg ...

Wipe the Turkey well inside and be seen after for Quills and other unauthorized persons. Butter it with a mixture of oil, sherry, salt and Rosemary. Preheat oven to 250 o C and roast the Turkey with breast down for 20 minutes on the back is golden. Take the

Mains Crushed peppercorns Bay leaf Parsley ...

Upillede onion, halve it and heat the cut surface in a greased frying pan until it is dark brown (this will give the soup color). Got the meat, chicken, salt, pepper, thyme, bay leaf, a few stalks of parsley (and preferably parsley root) celery leaves and the

Soups Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Flækærterne rinse in a colander under running water, and getting them in a pan with about 4 l. water (fækærterne don't have to stand in soft). Com grisetå and pork as well as some salt in, and let the Court simmer under low heat for 3 hours. Add the sliced lee

Soups Pepper Salt Skinny soup hen (preferably old) ...

Cut the chicken into smaller pieces, and sprinkle it with salt. Place the chicken pieces in a large, greased baking pan, place the carved butter leeks around it and on top. Add byggrynene, who has been going to soak for a few hours, and the water. Put the lid