Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Leeks

Mains Parsley Pepper Onion ...

wash the meat and cut it into treninger bring the water to a boil and let it simmer the meat came in while the herbs washed cleaned and sliced herbs came into the Pan sprinkle salt and pepper on and let it simmer until it is mørrt server chopped parsley to

Mains Pepper Salt Tarragon ...

Brown kyllingefiletterne easy and put them in a roasting pan. Slice the leeks in sliced and put them over the fillets and season with tarragon, salt and pepper. Pour the cream over and set in oven 45 minutes at 180 degrees c. alm. oven. Serve with rice o

Soups Bullion Paprika Pepper ...

Brown osso bukoen on the forehead and then in a soup Pan vegetables mixed in fill up with water and let it cook in the midst of cream 1 ½ hour like much longer season

Mains Pepper Grated horseradish Salt ...

Do fish istand. Drizzle it with lemon. The vegetables are cooked and cut into bite-sized pieces. The onion cut into rings. Boil all the vegetables in a large pot with water, Bay leaves, peppercorns, salt and vinegar for about 20 min. Put the fish in the soup,

Lunch Pepper Salt Butter/oil ...

Pastry: Mørdejen can be prepared in the food processor. Break up the butter into the flour until it resembles grated cheese. Salt is added and the dough come together quickly with water. Avoid kneading too much, since it can result in a chewy dough. The dough

Sides Salt Thyme Eggs ...

Do vegetables and apples and saute them istand in olive oil until tender. Now with the crumbled bread, mix the chopped walnuts, spices, sherry and eggs. Fill pudding in an ovenproof dish and Bake 35 minutes at 160 degrees C the. alm. oven.

Soups Lemon juice Dijon mustard Finger salt (læsø salt) ...

Coat the meat nicely by and's marrow bones for any membranes and trevler; Drag a piece of tube gauze (bought at the drugstore) sideways around each so the marrow will be in place. Beef, chicken and marrow come piping up in a large pan, add the cold because sou

Soups Pepper Salt Coffee cream ...

Cut the potatoes into small squares. Cut the leeks into rings. First increased Turkey bacon crisp in oil in a pan. Add potato cubes and let them simmer with. Add the leeks. Add water and bouillon cube. Add the thyme, salt and pepper, let the soup boil for p