Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Dry white wine

Mains Pepper Salt Finely chopped parsley ...

Heat oven to 300 degrees. Mix all the ingredients Came it all in a marmite (iron pot) or alm pan or roaster with tight-fitting lid and wrap it all into the foil (staniol) cook for 12 hours, remove all bones before serving

Mains Flute Wheat flour Pepper ...

Turn the kødskiverne in the flour salt/pepper and brown them in a frying pan. A piece of advice, or chip the edges of the cut, otherwise they will bow during frying. Put kødskiverne in a baking dish. Boil the pan with white wine and/or broth, and pour over

Mains Marjoram Pepper Salt ...

Term the flour, make a recess in the Middle, herein is complied with the eggs and olive oil. Sprinkle salt around the edges, and knead it to a smooth elastic dough. Roll it into a damp cloth, and let the rest in a cool place in 2-3 hours. Low filling while:

Mains Carrot Onion Pepper ...

Start by preparing the Spanish sauce. Boil the wine and broth together, and boil it in half. Fry the onion, leek, parsley, celery and carrot in butter, Add flour and let it take color. Add the tomato pureen and the indkogte fluid, and let the sauce simmer for

Soups More sugar Sugar Dry white wine ...

1 dl. dry white wine 1 tablespoon. sugar, sugar is melted together into heats. Bring brine to boiling and add 150 g. Berry, simmer for 5 min. Add 3 tbsp. lemon juice (more sugar), and let it get cold. Server m. cream tops on.

Mains Pepper Salt (olive oil ...

Partér the rabbit into suitable pieces. Seasoned with salt and pepper. Brown the pieces of meat in a mixture of butter and oil in a frying pan. Sprinkle the flour over and let it Brown with white wine and Pour broth over.. The meat should just be covered. Add

Mains Herb bouquet (parsley, bay leaf, and thyme) Pepper Salt ...

Rabbits are bought peeled and set aside. Cut the head of and boxes it. slice the thighs and Forelegs of and share back in 4 parts across. The rabbit is now split into 8 pieces. Season Rabbit pieces with salt and pepper and butter them well into the dijon mu

Sides Butter Onion Dry white wine ...

Chop the onion finely and fry it lightly in butter without it takes color. Add the fish broth and white wine. Warm it through and put the fondue pan on the table over the burner.