Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Dry white wine

Mains Meljævning Pepper Salt ...

Remove the coarsest membranes and tendons from the Hare. Cut and blow it into serving pieces, tag, if desired. the bones out of bove and clubs. Brown the pieces in several times. Put the meat in the Pan and add the white wine and as much broth, the meat is c

Mains Lemon juice Vinegar alm Fish powder ...

Start with that pill onion, cut it in fine cubes. FRY it in olive oil without it takes color. Add 1 ½ hood full alm. storage of vinegar and let it boil into. Add approximately 3/4 dl. white wine and a little water. Add 1 tsp. fish powder 2 lauerbærblade and a

Appetizers Freshly ground pepper Salmon el forelrogn. Grated cheese ...

1. Cook the pasta according to instructions on package 2. Scrape and rinse the carrot into narrow strips. Cut the washed leeks into narrow strips. Cut the salmon into strips. 3. Melt the butter in a small saucepan and let carrot and Leek spin it tender. Came

Desserts (cold) Dry white wine Vanilla pod Whole cinnamon sticks ...

Pour the wine, sugar and cinnamon in a saucepan. Crack vanillestangen and place it in the pan. Boil brine up. While the bed sheet comes to a boil, peeled pears. Put them in the boiling brine, and let them cook until tender in a little over medium heat with

Appetizers Cayenne pepper Salt Laur leaf ...

Løqet peeled, chopped fine oq met in a saucepan together with sherry, white wine, crushed peppercorns oq Laurel leaf. Let it all koqe in to about half, at medium heat. Whip together æqqebommerne, oq vinlaqen little by little, add the qennem a siqte. Set of

Mains Engholm butter for frying Deep-fried scallion Kitchen string El. bomuldsnor ...

Share the apples into quarters, remove the core-House and saute them briefly in butter. Pick Sage leaves from stems. Cut an opening in each tenderloin lengthwise, season with salt and pepper and stuffed fillets must with apples and Sage leaves. Fold the tender

Soups The white of 2 leeks Celeriac Dry white wine ...

Start with cleaning the vegetables and cut them into smaller piece. Sauté them in a pan in butter. Add spices and tomato puree. Drag it from the heat. The live lobsters, and the cutting of clubs and body. FRY in hot oil until they start to change color, whe

Mains Miscellaneous salad/vegetables Freshly ground white pepper Pearl onions ...

Slice the beef, veal and pork into small thin slices. Put them on a serving dish, possibly. rolled together once. Boil the broth up with white wine and soy sauce. Set fondue pot on the table. Stir in milk and Quark together for fondue sauce. Com it peeled, fin