Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Cream 13%

Mains Pepper Salt Corn starch ...

Ox bow Brown in oil and butter on both sides in a pan. Sprinkled with salt, pepper and tarragon. Wine and water is poured into the meat some gruel is under the lid. for about 2 hours, until it is tender. After 1 hour met the halved pitted plums in the sa

Mains Pepper Salt Butter muffin of 25 g butter and 20 g flour ...

Perlehøne breasts rubbed with spices. Brown on both sides over not too strong heat in butter, added oil. Game cloud added, and then whipped 13%. The meat cooked on a low heat for about 15 minutes, then taken up, and kept warm. The sliced mushrooms FRY in a

Mains A little ground ginger Solve rice Pepper ...

Rinse bird well and rub the outer and inner with salt and pepper and a bit of ground ginger. Father: Stir the meat with shredded onion, egg, bread crumbs and parsley and season to taste with salt, pepper and thyme. Fill the forcemeat into bird and close wit

Mains Oil Butter Cream 13% ...

Poussinerne Brown in a pan in butter and oil. Add chopped onion, and brown slightly, and pour in Broth with. poussinerne FRY for approximately 30 minutes at low heat. Wind ruerne udstenes, and hazel nuts chopped coarsely. Just before serving mix of grapes and

Mains Butter or oil for frying Parsley Pork Tenderloin ...

Cut the trimmed tenderloin into thick slices and squeeze them out easily by hand. Fry them in brown butter and oil 4-5 minutes on each side. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Take them up and keep them warm. Mash the tuna with a bit of cream and findel in the ble

Mains Freshly ground pepper Cream 13% Corn starch ...

Broccolien cut into smaller pieces. The onions peeled and cut into smaller pieces. Broccoli and onions cooked in the broth for about 5 min. 6 small bouquets to decorations, the rest is taken from a smooth paste. The sauce met back in the Pan and Maize starch i

Mains Pepper Cream 13% Paprika ...

Sauté the meat in margarine. The onion cut into both and sauté with. Broccolien shared in bouquets, the stick cut into cubes. Broccoli, bouillon and pepper added. Cornstarch is mixed in cream and stir in about 5 min together and Twirling; season with salt and

Mains Salt Wheat flour Egg yolks ...

Flour whipped cream. Egg yolks and salt added, and it whipped into a fluid batter, however, not so thin as to ordinary pancakes. Bake in oil or butter to small thin pancakes. The pancakes can now act as a base for different fill, or they can be rolled ar