Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Mains Pepper Salt Bay leaves ...

Arrow the bulbs and chop them roughly. Cut the pears into thin rings and tear the carrots on the rough side of the roast iron. Put the meat in a saucepan. Bring the vegetables in and let them sweat. Add the bouillon and add laurel leaves. Season with salt a

Mains Pepper Salt Frying ...

Stir well with the salt. The pilled onion is torn on the rough side of the grater. Add onions, eggs, pepper, flour and milk and stir well with the elpisk's knead hooks. Peel the carrots and cut them into slices. Cook them 15 min. In water added salt. Add th

Mains Fat for frying Pepper Salt ...

Mix the meat with rice, coarse carrots, cracked onions, eggs and coarse walnut kernels. Season with salt and pepper. Stir the fried potatoes in golden fat on the forehead.

Mains Milk Oregano Pepper ...

Stir the meat with a little salt. Add eggs, flour, grated onions, pepper and milk to the dad has a solid consistency (a bit thinner than to fry dishes). Let the dad stand cool while making the following: The carrots are peeled and cut into slices. Steam in

Mains Bacon to sprinkle Father's Nutmeg ...

Cut 8 nice leaves from the cabbage, rinse them and put them in boiling letsalted water for 3 minutes. Take them up and cool them in ice cold water. Dip them dry in a clean dish and cut it away from the stick. Stir the meat with chopped garlic, egg and 1 tab

Mains Jævning Pepper Salt ...

Cut a "pocket" into the neck comb where there is a division of the piece of meat. Mix parsley, chives, dill and onion and put it in the pocket. Close together and tie around the neck comb with cotton yarn. Rub the ladder with salt and pepper and place it in a

Sides Pepper Salt Green peas. frozen ...

Potatoes and carrots in slices, celery in smaller pieces and peas boil tenderly in water. The water is poured off and the vegetables steamed dry. The vegetables are mashed and stirred with eggs, rasp, grated onion, wheat flour, oatmeal, salt and pepper.

Salads Pepper Coarse salt Onion ...

Peel potatoes and carrots. Cut them into smaller pieces and cook them with low heat and under low - until they are tender. Cut cucumbers and onions in slices and salt them for approx. ½ hour. Rinse them well and press them free of moisture in a cloth. Mash