Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Butter

Mains Flat-leaf parsley Lemon juice from here Cinnamon stick ...

Came the chicken in a large pot and cover it with cold water. Style pot on the stove at medium heat. Now add the onions, garlic, cinnamon, allspice, black pepper and parsley to the Pan too. When the water starts to boil, turn down the heat so that it only just

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

RIDs the fat on the beef tyndstegen. Brown it in a frying pan in butter and oil on all sides and season with salt and pepper. Set the saw in a small ovenproof dish and place the dish in the oven at 180 ° c. Set a frying thermometer from the side into the middl

Mains EVS. Mark Cress grown Mint Basil Pepper Red White alm.) ...

Start with root vegetables. Peel all root fruits and share them possibly in coarse pieces. Got them in a heat-proof serving dish and season with salt and pepper. Came the onion, garlic, lemon zest and juice in combination with honey. Mix well and put in a preh

Sides Grated cheese at will Chopped Basil Chopped dill ...

Scrub karfoflerne well and dry them and put them in a baking dish. Put in the oven at 200 degrees for 40 -45 min (I thought that goes over an hour and a quarter!) or until tender. Cut a lid of each and remove the potato mass out. The moses and stirred with but

Mains Lemon juice Chopped chili Wheat flour ...

The afparerede meat cut into fairly large slices of about 2 cm thickness, across kødtrådene. Then ban kes each piece of meat with a these events or any other heavy, yes maybe a flat pan bottom. Season now each piece of meat with salt and pepper. Turn the me

Mains Lemons Fresh chopped dill Green asparagus or broccoli ...

Plaice were found inside with the dark side up that cut down along both sides of the anchovies and outwards so that the fillets are still stapled. The fillets reversed outwards and the fish turned into flour, seasoned with salt and pepper. FRY on both sides

Cakes in form Water Baking soda Almonds, peeled ...

Fat softened to a consistency like mayonnaise, and stir well with sugar. Then add the egg yolks one at a time, stirring continuously, and at the same time, add almond essence. Then stir in mashed potato, and then add flour and baking powder. Finally touched

Desserts (patisserie) Salt Together the beaten egg Tesukker ...

stir in sugar and butter fluffy, stir in the egg. Add the other stuff and knead the dough together. roll it out on floured in 2 plate-sized circles. Cut each circle into 8 triangles. put a small dollop of marzipan and nougat on each. scroll giflerne together o