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Recipes with Butter

Soups Freshly grated nutmeg Sea salt Herbal broth powder ...

Majroerne freed from leaves. Fine leaves freed from coarse stems, rinsed and is added to the page. Majroerne peeled and cut into approximately ½ cm sized cubes. Turnip dice cooked with 1 l of water and bouillon powder in 10 minutes for low heat and under the l

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Potatoes cut in fine slices Onion cut into rough slices lengthwise Boullionen is made from cube + boiling water. Potatoes and onions are added into the dish, and seasoned with salt, pepper and thyme. Bouillon is poured over.

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs (medium) Cocoa milk Yeast ...

Melt the butter in a pan and add the cocoa milk. Pour the mixture into a bowl and stir the yeast out. Beat the batter well. Tire Bowl with fx. A lid and style dough to uplift in about 1 hour. Take the dough out on a floured and knead it thoroughly. Add if nece

Various Bacon snacks Cornmeal (it uses in da at home as starch also?) Grated parmesan ...

FRY bacon very crisp, dry it in the kitchen roll paper and crush the pieces. Stir the butter is soft, and add the cheese and stir until mixed well. Mix the corn flour, flour and bacon in it. Make small buns out there of, 1 1/2 teaspoon each, place it

Cookies Eggs Butter Sugar ...

Turn on the oven at 200 C. Stir in sugar and butter together. Add the egg and stir again. Add the flour and stir into the dough becomes smooth and supple. The dough rolled into small balls and put on a baking sheet (low distance for later should they be

Desserts (patisserie) Cinnamon to taste Baking soda Butter ...

Beat the butter and sugar together. Add one egg at a time. Then add flour and baking soda and finally the milk. Filling: apples skrældes and cut into thin slices and mix together with the sugar and cinnamon in a bowl. Butter a round ovenfast dish with fa

Desserts (warm) Whipped cream Wheat flour Butter ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees c. cut the rhubarb into small pieces. Got the fruit in an ovenproof dish. Mix sugar and potato flour in a cup and sprinkle it over the fruit. Came the flour in a bowl and cut the fat into small pieces and mix it together. Got

Cookies Cinnamon, ground Cardamom, ground Pepper. White ...

Stir in butter and sugar well. Stir in egg and orange zest in. mix the remaining ingredients and turn them into butter mixture. Gather the dough until it is smooth and supple. Portion dough into 8 pieces and roll them into sausages (ca. 22 cm). Cut each sau