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Recipes with Broccoli

Mains Salt Cumin seeds Green lentils ...

The lenses are rinsed and boil, covered, for about 20 minutes. Broccoli cut into smaller pieces and add to the right, there is boiling on in 15 minutes. Sauté spices in ghee a minute, stir in the lentils together with salt and the Court granted a rehash.

Mains Bran or breadcrumb to sprinkle Nutmeg Salt ...

Cut the broccoli stalks into suitable pieces and boil them in about 5 mins in a little water. Cut the ham into strips. Put the cooked broccoli in a greased casserole dish and benefit the ham over raspet cabbage. Make the sauce of margarine, flour, boil water,

Lunch Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Make broccolien able and part it into smaller pieces. Boil it in salted water until it is tender. Let it run well. Findel broccolien in a blender. (Save possibly a few flowers for garnish). Stir in eggs and cream in and season to taste with salt, pepper

Lunch Chicken broth or water Nutmeg Pepper ...

Make broccolien able and part it into smaller pieces. Boil it in broth or water until it is tender. Let it run well. Findel broccolien in a blender. (Save possibly a few flowers for garnish). Stir in eggs and cream in and season with salt and pepper. Pour the

Mains Coarse salt Water Grated cheese, mozzarella 45 + ...

Dough: cut the cold butter into small pieces and crumble it into the flour. Add salt and water and reassemble the quick dough. Press it into a springform (ca. 22 cm in diameter). Let the batter go half way up the sides. Style it covered in the refrigerator for

Mains Hazelnut flakes Nutmeg Pepper ...

Boil broccoli ovaries tender, and cool them down. Beat eggs, whipping cream and Spice together. Blend broccoli ovaries and add the egg mixture gradually. Place in 4 small 1 dl molds and garnish with hazelnut flakes bake in water bath at 170 degrees for approx.

Mains Margarine to form Pepper Ground nutmeg ...

Broccoli bouquets cut from the ovary and blanched 2-3 min. A sandkage form (about 1 L) brushed with melted margarine and covered with wax paper. Broccoli bouquets are made in the shape of the stick upwards. Together the beaten egg and water, seasoned with salt

Mains Pepper Salt Nutmeg ...

Steam broccoli and stir it together with eggs and whipping cream. Seasoned with nutmeg, salt and pepper. Came the egg mixture in buttered serving molds, sitting side by side in a baking dish. Pour water into the dish to the stands halfway around the molds. Bak