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Recipes with Broccoli

Mains Coarse salt Pepper. White Egg yolk ...

Tærtedej: the nuts are blended. Fat, like nuts and salted cold, shuffled together. The butter is cut into thin slices and crushing it into the flour with your fingertips. Cold water is added and the dough mixed to a thick dough. Let the dough rest 10 minute

Sides Pepper Salt Broccoli ...

Steam broccolien for about 8 mins, or at will. Mix the dressing in a bowl. Pour dressing over broccolien.

Sides EVS. 1 clove of garlic Salt Sweet soy sauce to taste ...

Cut the broccolien in bouquets. The greatest bouquets halved, so the size will be uniform. Peberfrugten cut into strips. Pour the oil on the forehead by excessive heat and add the vegetables, ginger and pressed garlic. Turn it all so it will be blended and

Mains Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

Bank snitzlerne as thin as possible (e.g. between 2 pieces of film). Butter a thin layer of cream cheese on each and fold them together. (Save the rest of the cheese to pureen.) Flip snitzlerne in seasoned bread crumbs. Let them rest for 10 minutes before t

Mains Fresh herbs Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

Cod pieces seasoned m salt and pepper, turn over in rye flour and fried golden. Madagascarpebersauce: finely chopped onion Sauté in butter without taking colour herein granted crushed Madagascar pepper and boil down with cream. Marinated beetroot: 4 piec

Mains Acacia honey Broccoli The siede stegesky from your thighs ...

Part Duck thighs for over-and drumsticks, Pat dry and rub them with salt, pepper and a little bit of Rosemary. Put them in a large meldrysset roast bag with skin side up and place the onion by. Place the bag on a grate, close the close and clip a few air holes

Cold cuts Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Broccolien cleaned and cut into smaller pieces, which is steamed perfectly tender in slightly salted water-ca. 10 min. drain and steam broccolien completely dry (take four bouquets from for garnish), before blending it with eggs and sour cream. Season with nut

Sides Brown sugar Fish sauce Chopped coriander ...

Broccolien rinse and cut into florets. Cut the stems into thin slices. Heat the oil in a pan and fry up broccolien for 1 minute. Add the remaining ingredients and stir-fry for 3 minutes, for broccolien is tender, but still crisp.