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Recipes with Broccoli

Mains Basil, fresh Watercress, fresh Pepper ...

Fill: put broccolien into the boiling water and boil them in 5-6 minutes and drain, mash it. Chop the mushrooms, then fine. Mix broccoli, mushroom and it diced meat and stir it with eggs and flour. Add salt, pepper and pressed garlic. Fill in the boned

Salads Dressing Red wine vinegar Sugar ...

Dressing: Stir Cheasy Cream with red wine vinegar and sugar. Let the dressing stand cold an hour. Cut the bacon into slices and grate it completely dark, and allow it to draw on a piece of paper towel or similar. Part broccolien into very small florets.

Salads Basil, dried Pepper Salt ...

Cook the pasta until tender as directed on package. Blanch the broccoli bouquets 3 minutes without lid and set them for draining. The stick can be cut into small cubes and blanched with. Whip the white wine vinegar, crushed garlic, dijon mustard and oil

Mains Cotton yarn EVS. light sauce thickens Freshly ground pepper ...

Pick the parsley in small twigs, rinse and dry them well. Put the Turkey Breast in the "smooth" side and cut a pocket in the thick part of the meat. Fill your pocket with parsley sprigs and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Volume cotton yarn about Turkey Breast

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Mustard grains soaked ½ hour in cold water. Broccolien is divided into small florets, the stick can be cut into cubes. Squashen cut into six slices. Broccoli stick Sauté in butter. Fry the meat with. Broccoli tops, squash, broth, cream cheese, wine vineg

Mains Pepper Parsley, fresh Butter ...

The cabbage is picked in bouquets, which boil barely tender. Put into greased baking dish. Make small indentations in the surface with a spoon. Stir in butter with spices and favor it in the recesses. The eggs are turned out of kryddersmørret and the dish m

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Rosemary ...

Broccolien be placed in boiling water 3 minutes, pour into a sieve and showered with cold water. Broccolien afdryppes well. The cut into very small florets and stems cut into thin slices. Mayonnaisen season with Rosemary, tomato puree and salt and pepper to ta

Mains Pepper Mornay sauce Salt ...

The pasta is cooked according to instructions on the package. Leek cut into rings. Broccolien shared in bouquets, the stick cut into cubes. Sauté the meat in oil. Sauté with Leek. Water, broccoli, Rosemary, salt and pepper are added. Spin together about