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Recipes with Broccoli

Mains Freshly ground pepper Cream 13% Corn starch ...

Broccolien cut into smaller pieces. The onions peeled and cut into smaller pieces. Broccoli and onions cooked in the broth for about 5 min. 6 small bouquets to decorations, the rest is taken from a smooth paste. The sauce met back in the Pan and Maize starch i

Mains Pepper Salt Parsley, fresh ...

Roll puff pastry out to double size Butter a pie dish (27 cm) with a little oil and line bottom and sides with 3 plates. Slice the chicken-inderfilet into smaller pieces and put them in the pie with roasted bacon cubes, minced parsley, finely chopped shallo

Mains Lemon juice Curry Cheese ...

The chickens cut into 4 pieces and FRY in the oven until tender. Then cool the, and meat tamper-proof by the legs and put it in a greased casserole dish. Melt the butter and the flour is added under stirring, and then chicken broth, add little by little, wh

Mains Oregano, garlic, etc. According to taste Cheese for gratinating Pepper ...

Cook until potatoes are very tender and low it into mashed potatoes. Sauté the vegetables that are cut into smaller pieces, tomato or broth came by and let it simmer a bit. Put the vegetable mixture into a greased casserole dish and cover with kartoffelmose

Mains A little suit Cauliflower Broccoli ...

Brine: All ingredients for brine is poured into a large pot. The brine is boiled up, skimmed and cool. And: The cleaned and placed in brine in 48 hours. You have a good butcher, he does it like for one. The second is taken up and cooked in fresh water for

Salads Apple Lemon juice Curry ...

Bulgur cooked in broth according to instructions on the package and allow to cool. Broccolien divided into three bouquets and steamed in salted water 3-4 min. bell peppers, onion and Apple cut into squares and onto with lemon. The salad chop and spread out on

Sides EVS. 1 dl roasted bacon cubes A little red wine or white wine Raisins ...

Broccolien is divided into small florets and blanceres. Miracelwhipen, the vinegar, sugar, mix and stir a little thinner with wine. Advantage broccolien in a dish with high edge. Chop the onions finely and favor it over broccolien. Toast sunflower seeds in a f

Mains Pepper Cream 13% Paprika ...

Sauté the meat in margarine. The onion cut into both and sauté with. Broccolien shared in bouquets, the stick cut into cubes. Broccoli, bouillon and pepper added. Cornstarch is mixed in cream and stir in about 5 min together and Twirling; season with salt and