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Recipes with Bacon

Mains BUKO pikantost Cream fine 7% Yellow bell pepper ...

Cook the pasta as directed, cut the green beans into small pieces and simmer them in a little butter on a pan for about 2 minutes. Cut the peppers in tern or small strips. Rose the bacon. Pour cremefine into a saucepan and add the piquant cheese to your likin

Sides Head broccoli Bacon ...

Blame Broccoli and cut it into small trees that are about 10 cm tall. They should not be too small as the bacon does not get crisp if it is added twice. Bind the broccoli into bacon and place it on a top grid. Put it in the oven at 200 g. With hot air. Put

Mains Basillikum Something ementarla Pepper ...

Put the turkey on a frying pan and remove any fat if you do not want it. Cut some 1 cm thick piece of ementarla out. Step the bacon and fold it around the ementarla. Lay it along the turkey. Roll the turkey together so it becomes a "sausage" .. roll it so

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

The chicken is roasted until they are light golden brown. Then they are taken from the forehead and the sliced ​​leeks / spring onions and bacon are cooked at low heat. 3 dl white wine poured down to bacon + leeks / spring onions. This is cooked up.

Soups Salt Vegetable bouillon cube Handful of cauliflower ...

Cut the bacon into small pieces and fry it in a pan until it becomes slightly Golden. Cut the carrots and leeks into small slices and blom cabbage chopped. So come to water, carrots, cauliflower, leeks, pasta and the cube in. Season with salt. Cook for abou

Appetizers Parsley Butter Bacon ...

Turn on the oven at 225 g. Set a pot of water to boil with the eggs in. (cooking time approx. 10 min) and take them up when the time is up. Set another saucepan with lightly salted water. When the water boils, add the asparagus and let them simmer for about 2

Mains Paprika Bacon Big ds. tomato puree ...

Cut the tenderloin into small patties. First increased bacon and put it on the fat-sucking paper. Rose then tenderloin steaks, just so they just take color. Put steaks in a heat-proof dish and place the coctailpølserne at. On the forehead putter to tomato pure

Soups Bacon Boullionterning Frozen peas ...

Here's how: Peel the carrot and the potato and grate them coarsely on tear the iron. Clean the leek and cut it into thin slices. Now you can begin to make the soup: take a large saucepan and place it on the stove and turn on. Lay the bacon strips in and