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Recipes with Bacon

Mains Serve with cooked potatoes tossed in the Pan in a little butter Whipped cream Mustard ...

Mix the meat with salt and pepper, add garlic and cumin sauce. Let the dad stand for 15 minutes and shape the dad to 8 steaks and roll 1 piece of bacon around. Step the steaks 3-4 min on each side. Clean the mushrooms and chop them in coarse pieces, grate the

Mains Tomato salad Filonebrød Fresh basil ...

Shake bacon and take it out of the pan. Low meat sauce of other ingredients except bean sprouts, they will not come until after the sauce is finished. Cut the top of the bread and pour it, put the filling in and put the top on top. Place in the oven at 200 gr

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon ...

Put the potatoes in a hot plate, pour the cream and season it. The pears are put on and bacon in small pieces. Finally added. About 1 hour in 200 gr warm oven

Mains Pepper Parsley and dill Salt ...

Heel milk, water and salt and pepper in the pan. Turn on the oven at 180. above, fry the bacon to get a little color and not complete, cut champingnong into small pieces and tomatoes. Put cream in the pot where there is already added water, milk, salt and pep

Mains Corn Bacon Mornay sauce ...

Cook the pasta as directed. Bring bacon into pot and brown-then corn and mornay sauce and finally pour the drip pasta in. Served with flute to. tips: An incredibly nice easy right to the busy families. Can add many other exciting things to court

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

The broth is cleaned for the worst fat and tendons, and rub with garlic salt pepper and peppers. Then the brown bread is browned in the butter. Stir for about 15 minutes with low heat under lid. Remember save the cloud. Cut the bread to the steaks about

Breakfast & brunch Bacon Magarine/butter Salt ...

Raw Eggs: You start taking the eggs and chop them into a deep dish or a bowl. You add the water / milk and Whip it all together with a fork. You then pour the pulp into a pan or a frying pan. You must scratch at the bottom with a spoon or a wooden pallet so i

Mains Solve rice Oil Pepper ...

Fry 1 large sirloin for seniors and barriers and cut into slices. Immediately brown the sirloin slices in oil on a pan. Season with salt and pepper and put the sirloin steak in an ovenproof dish. Then shake 150g bacon into small cubes. Take the bacon rings of